Re: Flo – Jrt – approx. 8yrs…ref 433 *HOMED**

Re: Flo – Jrt – approx. 8yrs…ref 433 *HOMED**

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Re: Flo – Jrt – approx. 8yrs…ref 433 *HOMED**

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    Hello there,

    I just wanted to update to say that the weather up here is much better for me. Lots of sunshine which means other woofers are out on the beach (Me n my brudder are hardcore and go all year round cos we have a wardrobe full of jackets and jumpers for keeping us toasty!). Today I ran with lots of doggies for an hour. It was great with the wind blowing through my big waggy ears!

    Even better – I learned a new trick… It’s called ‘Roll over’. I love it because I get belly rubs when I do it (Who said you cant teach an old dog new tricks). I cant stop doing it though. Even when I am just being called, I do it. I am like an ad for the fire service – "Stop, drop and roll".

    Myself and Fat Henry are very happy woofers. The sofa has been moved so we can climb up and sit on the windowsill when we are at home. We use this lookout point to let passing dogs that we are in residence and we are BOSS! WOOF WOOF You may pass!

    I have taken to snoring so loudly that Mammy and Daddy cannot hear the TV. They try nudging me but I roll on my back and look so cute they let me go back to snoring!

    Hello to everyone – Lots of licks,
    Flo xxx


    Yawny yawn


    Snuggle bug :D


    Hooray for the sun shining. A run and then a nap on my snuggle cushion x




    Hello there DiD Woofers,

    Well I have been having the BEST time. The sun has started shining and I am running my little legs off on the beach. Ollie was up staying with us and he cuddled me and took me everywhere. He plays with me non stop and I love it.

    As a treat we got MAHOOOOSIVE lamb chops. I could not eat all of mine so I put the rest of it out in the garden away from Fat Henry. However, he was sniffing at it and I had to take some decisive action and pooed on it… Seemed like a great idea at the time but then I realized I could not eat it either.

    I did win the battle though as FH tried to get at it and ended up with poo on his nose and Mammy Eejit banished him and I got to have the sofa to myself! Mwahahahaha!

    FH has had his nose cleaned but I am still laughing at him. Mammy is not laughing as she had to go out and pick up the pooed on lamb chop so it could be binned away from our snouts!

    Shout ya later woofers – I am still happy, healthy and full of love (But def have a wobbly little pot belly cos I steal FH’s food!)

    Wibbly Wobbly Flobers xxx


    :lol: :lol:


    :lol: :lol: :lol: Flo, you are just the best :D


    Fat Henry has had his revenge…

    I took my humpy cushion outside for some al fresco action in the lovely sun (FH knows better than to go near Humpy or he gets growlt at)

    Anyway, I took a brief break and waddled inside and when I cam back out to resume activities, FH cocked his leg and widdled on Humpy whilst looking right at me!!!

    I am most displeased and have been giving him the stink eye ever since… I swear that furry degenerate is smirking. I HATE HIM! (For now)

    Flobers x


    :lol: :lol:

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