Nutrition for your dog

Dry versus tinned food

Keep your dog healthy by feeding him good quality food and maintaining an appropriate weight. A good diet will cut down on future veterinary bills and also minimise fouling and smells. Tinned foods are full of sugar, salt and other additives and are not good for dogs. They also represent bad value for money as they are full of water and which you are paying for. A good quality (not supermarket) “complete” food, i.e. dry nuts, is recommended by Dogs in Distress.
Dogs enjoy variety in their diet. It’s a myth that all food tastes the same to a dog. Offer your dog a piece of chicken or steak and you’ll notice that he will be particularly delighted! Some dogs love vegetables, a peeled carrot can make a welcome treat, a piece of apple, a boiled potato. A small tin of mackerel mixed in with a complete food will enhance the flavour and provide your dog with valuable omega oils. Many dog owners make up a special stew for their dog, based on meat or chicken with ingredients such as rice, potatoes, other root vegetables, peas, herbs etc. Small portions can be frozen and your dog will love you for it. Having said that “people food” is generally bad for dogs, dogs should not be fed dairy products or foods with salt or sugar added.

Raw meat bones

Most dogs will relish a raw meat bone. Dogs benefit from the calcium of the bone and the high calorie marrow inside. Research indicates that chewing on a bone releases endorphins which make a dog happy. It also helps to remove plaque from teeth, keeping teeth and gums healthy. Always supervise your dog if he is eating a bone as large pieces that are not chewed properly can result in choking. Never give a dog a cooked bone, as these can splinter in to dangerously small pieces that may do internal damage.

Dangerous foods for dogs

Certain foods including chocolate, coffee, tea, grapes and raisins can cause an extreme allergic reaction in dogs, sometimes resulting in death. These foods should not be fed to dogs and should be stored away safely in your home. If in doubt always consult your vet for advice.