Jones – 14 Month old Lab x Setter *HOMED*

Jones – 14 Month old Lab x Setter *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Jones – 14 Month old Lab x Setter *HOMED*

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    Was in NYC so hadn’t been on in a while, delighted to see Mr Jones has found his forever family. I shed a little tear reading his update ;)


    I just cannot commend Claire highly enough for the remarkable love and dedication and training and time that Claire gave to this fantastic dog, to make absolutely sure that he went to the right family. He is of course wonderful in himself but WELL DONE CLAIRE AND THANKS A MILLION on behalf of all of us :D


    I finally got to meet this gorgeous young guy yesterday out walking with his new best friend Ruby. He had a great time running and fetching with my Bran (DID pup Comet). He really is a stunning dog, just one look from those big brown eyes had me signing up to the Jones fanclub. He looks wonderful, happy and healthy and such a pet :D . He has settled so well into his new home that Lisa says she feels he has been there for ever and not just a few weeks. All of his new family are absolutely in love with this guy and while it must have been so difficult for Claire to let him go I know he will get all the love and care he deserves in his new forever home.

    (Lisa promises to update soon, she is having some ‘technical’ difficulties)


    Delighted to read the great news about Jones on the new DID newsletter which I received today. Claire – you were such a dedicated and comitted fosterer to Jones. Your efforts and love for Jones paid-off the day he went to his new home, which sounds like it’s working out brilliantly!


    It is with a very heavy heart that I write this. It is not a post I imagined writing for many many years. Our special Mr. Jones developed a very sudden and aggressive cancer. His forever family got the shocking and sad news earlier in the week that this beautiful boy was very sick and sadly due to the aggressiveness of the cancer there was nothing that could be done.

    His amazing family rallied around him and brought him home yesterday evening. During the night his breathing became very strained and they called the vet this morning who came out to the house at lunch time.

    It is a sad sad day. It seems just so unfair that this beautiful boy has been taken so soon. Such a young boy he won the heart of everyone he ever met. He was in foster so long and I knew when I met Lisa and her family that he had simply been waiting for them to find him. They adored him from the moment they met him and although hard saying goodbye I was comforted knowing that this special boy had found his special happy ending. It is so unfair that his family had him such a short time.

    They invited me down this morning to say goodbye which was amazing and just sums up the very special family that opened their home and hearts to Jones.

    Heartbroken. This amazing boy who was so full of love and fun will never be forgotten and can never be replaced. A one off he was a special little angel who had a gift for making people smile. He was still wagging his tail despite the obvious struggle it was for him to catch his breath.

    He was at home with his family and knew he was loved to his last breath.

    Myself and Gar were talking about his time with us well into the night and he really summed it up with this saying "The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long". Mr. Jones blazed his way into our lives and he will never be forgotten.

    Sleep soundly little prince.


    :( :( :(


    Oh Claire, I am so so sorry for your loss – and also for his devastated "happy ending" family. :( :( :( That is the saddest thing I have heard in a long time. He really was a special guy – I loved meeting him at the open days and the promotions. Sleep well little fella – you were very much loved!!


    So sorry to hear this news, having met Jones on Grafton Street back late last year. I couldn’t resist kissing him on the head. Jones was so full of life & beautiful, instantly a friend…I’m so sad…


    If ever there was a dog who knew he was loved it was Jones. He had the best foster family and forever family who appreciated and enjoyed every minute with him. I hope they can take some consolation from that in the midst of all the tears and heartache. Run free little man :( :( xxxxxxx


    I met this beautiful dog a couple of months ago with Claire. Jones was full of energy, playfulness and happiness. So sorry his life was cut so short however he was loved so much and he knew it.. X


    In total shock at the heart breaking news. I closely followed Mr Jones story and as 3LabLady had several conversations with Claire about his hilarious antics. I remember her saying He made her understand why people adore Labs so much….my heart goes out to his forever family. Run Free Jones xx


    So sorry to hear this heartbreaking news ;-( big hugs to you Claire and Lisa’s family xxx


    Heartbreaking news. Jones was a truly special dog who brought a smile to the face of everyone who met him. I met him during his time in fostercare with Claire and was so impressed with him and Claire’s great connection with him. It is comforting to hear how Jones was loved and cared for by his adoptive family, particularly at the end. I’m so sorry for your loss.

    My neighbour said to me when our little dog Tess passed away "You know you’ll meet them again" – I always like to think we will.

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