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Membermy first dog bailey is deaf and his recall was awful,he made a show of me in puppy training and ran amuck:oops: but now cassie works for the both of them and their recall is amazing so every situation is different. how is melody doin now after her walkies??
dogs do take some time to settle,and every one is different.PLEASE do make a few phone calls to someone trained in the area before any decision is made. the dog could be nervous and may need re assurance when the person he really bonded to isnt around. when in doubt ask the professionals
maureen byrne dog physchogy
tara choules and lisa whelan both qualifies in dog training and behaviourgood luck neil
Memberi think thats MAXI ZOO in bray. they have a good brand called select gold (similar to royal canine) that they give free samples of no problem. they do a great puppy food with salmon in it thats great for their coats and sensitive tummies.
Membermy sis has gareth and lillie up for a sleepover this weekend and the whole family were up ranging from tiny babies to terrible teens and gareth took it in his stride
he is very friendly and funny.
his eyes look good to me and i have to say he was a VERY brave boy gettin vaxed and chipped,the lil soldier
it was really nice to meet him over this weekendtara
Membereiredavey is this a ploy you are using to convince your wife that the lovely melody needs a buddy
but dogs are VERY social animals,and i know when i just had my first dog bailey he was the same as yours. he got very down after comin home from walks after the excitement of meeting other dogs.
so we got cassie, and now they are inseperable. plus we have foster doggies comin and goin so he doesnt know his luck!!
so if you feel you are up to walkin,feedin and you have enough love for 2 ( oh and you dont mind twice the poop) it is worth it.
my 2 are better dogs cos they have eachother,but thats my lil opinion anywaytara
Memberits across from the shamrock rovers stadium
just off the bypass. turn into where woodies is and you will see it.
there is also a good park across the road (sean walsh park) for a run around after if they are excited after meetin other doggiestara
Memberyeah suzi i thought so too,
i was just goin by what the person who dropped her in said (more fool me)
but look at those floppy ears covered in curls and her tail does curls up like my terrier mix cassie.
whatever she is she is an amazing baby.tara
Memberhi shauna,
i think haiti is a german shepherd girl,she is tiny so dont know if she is a mix
she was just on a stopover in my house and is gone to another foster family. she is the cuddlyest lil sweetheart ive ever met. everyone missed her just after one day in her company:lol:tara
Memberthe lovely casso40 family came to see this little man today
i am delighted to say they will be his forever family
i know he will be spoilt rotten by them all.tara
MemberHaitis first night with us was soooo much fun.
we are finding out she is a proper little puppy full of adventure and fun. she has no fear and loves to climb, jump, tumble and explore.
she took a little while to settle last night,she actually sounded like a squeaky toy when she was givin out
but she settled quickly and slept soundly until almost 7.30.
she is very young so she has no idea of paper trainingbut she is a smarty pants so this wont take long.
Memberhi rescuemammy,
the procedure for adoptions or fostering are-
go to form and downloads in the green line at the top and click on the form you want and fill in.
if you have a dog in mind highlight it.
you will then need a homecheck.
it is done by a lovely volunteer to make sure your garden is secure and the whole family are happy to adopt ect.all the things needed to make sure these doggies get the future they deserve
timeline wise, it varies. this whole site is run by volunteers who have jobs and families too. they are amazing and do their best.
a lot of thought and heart go into this process and believe me its worth the waittara
Memberthanks!! its all fun and games in this house. then its naps all around
roscoe/flip is a well rounded super puppy with 2 very good
teachers in cassie and baileytara
Memberhi everyone just to update on the lovely roscoe,
we had a lodger logan for a day and a half and roscoe and himself were very funny together,he had a ball with him. so when logan went poor lil roscoe got a bit down
but just a few hours in my mother in laws house being pampered and played with by 4 kids and (not to mention some easter ham!!) he was back to his happy go lucky selfwe were very lucky to get out of her house with him as everyone fell in love with him,my brother in law would have gladly taken him back to kilkenny with him!!!
he is gettin very good at traveling in the car, his toilet training is great and there is never a peep out of him throughout the night.
kids are a great source of fun for him but he is very gentle with them.
he is a bundle of fun and full of affection. you dont need t.v when he is in the housetara
Membergreat to meet you and all the boys!!
poor roscoe is missing his twin,he was wandering around sniffing for ages and now has to make do with the biggies
logan is a fantastic doggie and will be a great addition to any familytara
Memberhey roscoe you look like me,eh no logan you look like me!!!
very funny boys. -