Forum Replies Created
Memberhi Kay ,
I have filled in the form already , I applied for Shelby a few weeks back but she was reserved . I will re send the email of the apllication form now , back to Claire , who replied to me originally . She also said at the time this application would cover future adoption applications I would make .
MemberHi anna ,
first thing i have to say is , this dog looks a beauty. I really like the look of her . Lovely face and shiny coat with the white socks to boot.
She looks like a photo fit on my idea dog tbh.
In the first photo she looked huge so i hadn’t taken any notice of her until now :>)
how big do you think she will get ?
collie size or more to a lab ?How is she getting on in your house ?
House-training , night sleep wise and other things like that ?
Reason i ask is Iam up for 5.30am :>)
On the plus side of this early start the dog we had till last year got walked and was active most of the day and he last till the ripe age of 18. That dog was a collie , did Jessie get the lab or collie personality temperament or is it a mix …Thanks for your help
Memberhi mary ,
we are desperate to adopt another dog soon,
we had an adopted collie for 18years til 2014, and as they all look very similar I was reluctant to get another one as I can see Stanley every time I look at one and its heartbreaking , but we love the breed of dog . I have enquired about a couple of dogs on here the others are NOT collies .how is dipper getting on .
any updates on him .
he must be 9 months or so now.sounds like you done a good job on him regarding the housetraining and sleeping. how is he on chewing the furniture and stuff ? :>)
Memberhi elizpayne,
what size does he look like he is going to be ?
is he going to be a full size lab?
he looks more lab but as you know its very hard to see from the photos of black dogs .
we had a collie till last year and are looking to adopt from that size down really.thanks