Tuc 6 Week JRT X Chihuahua*HOMED*

Tuc 6 Week JRT X Chihuahua*HOMED*

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    Hi I’m Tuc and I’m just soooo busy busy busy. There’s toys to tug, family to play with, places to explore – there’s not enough hours in my day. At first I didn’t have time for foster mama’s cuddles and would wiggle and run off to play. Now I kinda like them (especially when she tickles my belly). I give her loads of licks and never (well nearly never) try to eat her. Me and my sis are great buddies and we like to cuddle and play together. I love my Mama Tessa and try to play toys with her and eat her food with her. I just love my Mama and I think I’m her favorite. :oops: I’m teeny tiny and can easily get through that silly puppy gate – I run and greet foster mama when I see her at the door. (Really I’m trying to escape out the door to continue my exploring, but never get far). I posed nice for my photos so I hope my family sees me and thinks I’m cool and I would love a little furry friend in my new howe. Sometimes I play so hard that I just drop and go to sleep in the……….ZZZZzzzzz




    Here’s me getting me belly tickled by foster mam! I loves it. See, I eats me tail – not foster Mam. I’m a good boy. Just wanted to let you’s know that.
    Nighty nite now.


    Hi I’m 7 (weeks) today!! I didn’t get any cards but never mind, there’s always next week’s birthday. ;) I did something soooo exciting yesterday – I went out into the garden. :o It was well scary, so me and Tubs let Twinkle go first and we slowly followed her. We went out again today and Mama Tessa was telling us all about nature blah blah blah… I was so bored (all I saw was sticks in pots). When I came in after my 4 min marathon I was so hungry I ate nearly all my din dins. I’m so teeny I don’t eat much. I am the smallest puppy now – last week I got weighed and I’m just under 1 Kg / 2 lb. I’m off to watch something naughty on the TV now…. don’t tell on me. xx


    I got took to the vet on Friday and me and Twinkle were put in a carrier and Twinkle got sick and it was gross. Didn’t like the vets much either – bit of a bummer day. :cry: Just as things got back to normal loads of peoples came and Twinkle and Mama Tessa disappeared…..poof…gone. Who knows where? I miss them a tiny bit cause Twinkle was my best friend, and now I have to play with Tubs. I played lots with Mama Tessa too, but now I haves to play with Tubs. It’s all about Tubs. I’m the boss now cause Tubs has gone shy (Mama Tessa knocked the cheekiness outta him :P ). I played with all the peoples that came. I love peoples, toys, food, Goldie and Tio, running mad in the garden. I hate the vet and getting wormed. We got new teddies today but Mama Tessa was right about foster mam – she is kinda below par…..everything is green today and we got teddies with red santa hats. Still they’re cool and we loves them. Think I’ll go steal Tubs teddy now…..see ya later. xx


    :( Shut in an enclosed space with vomit – Yuk! Poor you but it’s all part of learning about life, at least it wasn’t your vomit but poor Twinkle. As for the vet thing, you will be ready for that next time :P Again, it is something that has to be done but when you are a big (I mean grown up as you will not be big :lol: ) you won’t really object as you may get treats from the vet. That is something you really should demand, its part of good service and as you are the ‘client’ it is only fair that you get something nice to eat ;) Hope you are looking after your teddy bear or being a terrier, well, we all know what happens to teddy bears :P :P You are clearly enjoying all that is there for you and that is as it should be ;)


    WARNING: Viewer discretion advised! There are scenes of aggression in this video, however none of the 3 dogs are on the restricted breed list. ;)

    Video: https://youtu.be/DAiuAkWRUOs

    Tuc shows his powerful side, while Tubs doesn’t. However at the end of every conflict Tuc likes to cuddle up with a hair scrunchy. (Note at the end it’s Goldie’s sneeze that shakes him to the bone.)


    :lol: :lol:


    You are a proper little dancing dog – fabulous :P :P :P


    Can’t visit one and not the other. Even if you two were rolled together you would STILL be a small dog :lol: My need to follow you both is very strong :oops: :oops: :oops:


    Hi ya everybody :D Mam said people’s were asking where we were (yes u Indianna) so here I am at 10 weeks old. Getting my 2nd vaccination tomorrow and then Mam says we can try walkies soon. Can’t wait – not sure what it is though :?: Do you see how tiny I am (I am the smallest) and I think I’m the cutest (well I do!). I’m a very happy chappy and love meeting people. I like being lifted and cuddled. When I’m sleepy I climb up on mam and puts me bum under her chin and sleeps with me head on her shoulder and its lovely and cosy there. Bet loads of peeps will be applying to adopt me now :lol: I love being in the garden and chasing Tubs in between all the pots. I try to tidy the garden too by picking up twigs and leaves and pebbles and bringing them into the kitchen. I love Goldie but we have to stay well away from Tio cause mam says he’ll eat us :o Goldie growlies at us all the time but we still follow her and she minds us in the garden. She’s not been well so we can’t annoy her too much. I’ve got to run now before Tubs gets the warm spot on teddy bottle…….see ya!


    You are only tiny in physical form, you are HUGE in personality and spirit :P Oh, I can’t wait to hear how you both get on when you go out for walkies. It will be very, very exciting but possibly a tiny bit scary to start with but your foster mam will take good care of you both, she would never let anything bad happen ;) Thanks for the up-date and remember to be nice to Goldie :P


    Are Tubs & Tuc still looking for a new home? Do you think they would be happy to stay together??


    Hi Orflaith. The boys are in foster with me. If you are interested in adopting, fill in the online adoption form and Kathy or Claire will be in touch. Thanks. Yvonne


    I hope you and your brother have the best adventure this weekend when you both go out into the big world – enjoy every second of it you pair of Thursday birthday boys :D

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