My Cassie

My Cassie

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    My very own lovely little sparkler Cassie was put to sleep recently. I have been dreading posting this message. The treatment that she had been on for the last 16 months or so finally could not support her liver from disease. She was put to sleep at home where she belonged. I am sure she will be happy to be out of the trashed body she lived in but had a really nice life here, was loved, wanted and very much part of the family. She played with toys, totally destroyed anything with a squeaked, was HORRIBLY interested in sheep but was very, very affectionate with us, her family. She will have joined up with our elderly GSD who had to be PTS at the end of last year because of GSD back legs, e.g. was struggling to get up and when she started to struggle to stand on carpeted areas I knew in my heart the time had come. She was 13 years old as was Cassie. I knew I would end up in tears posting this information. Don’t feel sorry for any of us, its life, we understand that and I know we (all our mutts and family members) will all meet up again one day. Cassie was a tough old boot and I think any other dog would have given up a lot sooner than her. The vet was astonished that Cassie had kept such ‘good health’ for so long. He said the original results for her liver was very, very high and they all thought she would have had a few weeks, not the year and more that she had. She loved carrots, good girl. There is a small cheque heading towards DID and it will be in memory of my Cassie as will any future donations. A huge thank you to anyone who did anything to help Cassie when she was in the pound. No sympathy from anyone, I really mean that! I just want great memories, I think of my old girls every day and can’t imagine that will change, I wouldn’t want it to. Nellie and Dudley are best buddies, two little hooligans. Please send nice thoughts to my girls, I do. :)


    Ahh…Indianna…..she had such a great life with free little woman.


    Hi Indianna, I like you believe that we will all meet up again someday and I have this poem on my fridge with pics of doggies I have lost. Its so tough losing a pet and this poem reminds me they stay in our hearts forever.

    Stood Beside Your Bed Last Night

    I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep.
    I could see that you were crying, you found it hard to sleep.
    I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear.
    "Its me, I haven’t left you, I’m well, I’m fine, I’m here"
    I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea.
    You were thinking of the many times your hands reached down to me.

    I was with you at the shops today, your arms were getting sore.
    I want to take your parcels, I wished I could do more.
    I was with you at my grave today, you tend it with such care.
    I want to reassure you that I’m not lying there.
    I walked with you towards the house as you fumbled for the key,
    I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said "It’s me".

    You looked so very tired and then you sank into a chair,
    I tried so hard to let you know that I was standing there.
    Its possible for me to be so near you everyday,
    to say to you with certainty "I never went away".
    You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew
    That in the stillness of that evening I was very close to you.
    The day is over…. I smile and watch you yawning
    and say, " Good Night, Sweet Dreams, God Bless,
    I’ll see you in the morning".
    And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide
    I’ll rush to greet you and well stand together side by side.
    I have so many things to show you, there’s much for you to see.
    Be patient, live your journey out; then come home and be with me.


    Cassie is no longer in pain and is running free at rainbows bridge …..again am a firm believer that we will all meet our devoted dogs who have gone before us some day and just think of the welcome we will get when we do….


    Indianna, I remember the day Cassie left the Pound. It’s as if she knew she was on her way to a wonderful life. She hopped into the front seat of the car, sat there and waited patiently until it was time to go. We waved as the car left the Pound but Cassie didn’t look back, why would she.

    You have given her the best years of her life and she will always be close by.


    indianna you have been a wonderful mammy to cassie and all your furbabies and they are up there knowing what a great life they had.
    as always give hugs to our wonderful nellibi


    Cassie had great life with you, I`m sure she was happy to get out of pound and lead happy life as a member of your family X


    So sorry to hear about Cassie… You gave her a great life, which she wouldn’t of even had the chance of having if it wasn’t for you.
    R.I.P Cassie :(


    We would like to send a massive thank you to Indianna for her generous donation in Cassies memory..thank you so much:D


    Many thanks Indianna. You contribute in so many ways to DID. I always look forwarding to reading your posts on all the DID doggies.


    :D Thankyou both for the kind comments. Even people reading the blog thinking "who is Cassie" is good. She is running through peoples’ thoughts. She REALLY built the road between the great DID and myself, thanks Cass :D


    I’m very sorry for your loss Indianna. Our beloved dogs who have passed away will remain in our hearts and minds until the day that we leave this mortal coil. Hopefully we will meet them again – I like to think that way.


    :) Thank you. I too, am sure that our dogs are always with us, but its still very difficult trying to deal with their lack of physical presence on daily basis but never far from our thoughts. ;)


    long time ago beneath others a small dog
    was in the pound in desperate need of a
    loving home … :(

    and the small dog found a loving home,
    transportation had to be organised :?: ..
    there was not much time :!: ..
    and the small dog came to a home with
    other dogs it at never seen.. :shock:
    the small dog had to learn how to behave :roll:

    but all went out well as the result of the
    knowledge and patience of the new "Mom" 8-)

    Dear Idianna, thank you for all you gave to this little girl!
    may she Rest in Peace


    :) Dear greyT

    Thank you so much for surrounding my Cassie with a golden star. I know I keep calling her ‘my Cassie’ because there are many other dogs called Cassie but she is our one and only Cassie. She was an old girl when she came home to us, her family. My ONLY regret regarding Cassie was that she was not younger when she ‘landed’ here and could have enjoyed her life for a great deal longer. I do take heart from the fact she was very much part of the family, was fed, watered and sheltered as the rest of us and given veterinary treatment when she needed it. She loved squeaky toys but they never lasted long :lol: , used to have a ‘smiley’ mouth when she was alseep 8-) and was just a dear, sweet little dog who is greatly missed. She was the leader of our little pack and protector of her family both canine and human. I am sure she is with us still, she will certainly never be forgotten – exactly the same as all our other dogs who have departed their ‘physical’ life on the planet. She gave us the unbreakable link with DID :D

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