Hetti – 10 mth old jrt – HOMED

Hetti – 10 mth old jrt – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Hetti – 10 mth old jrt – HOMED

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    Pictures at last – as promised:As you can see Daisy / Hetti is enjoying life and so are we :D


    This is Daisy taking a wellie for a walk.
    Relaxing in bed.
    Doing a spot of rooftop sun bathing
    and posing.
    Daisy is really enjoying the good weather. Still only eats her food when I stand beside her. Now that shes no longer in heat she is getting to meet and greet some doggie friends on the beach. I’m getting to meet my doggie owner friends again :D . Happy days for all :lol:


    have to say she really looks like she fits in nicely there im soooo happy to see and delighted to hear she is out of heat !!


    Hi All,
    Well its a month today since we picked up Daisy from Niamh. She is the best dog ever……OK then ……one of the best :D Feels like we always had her. She is so obedient. Loves to run when I let her off the lead but comes back immediately when I call her. She is definitely a girls girl. Loves to be with "the girls" whether they are young or old. She is not too keen on men at all. Daisy has the silkiest coat I have come across in a terrier. She enjoys sitting on the armchair and looking out the window. As you said Niamh she likes company while eating her food. Will only eat if I’m standing beside her. She is not a barker either.Only barks when necessary. Daisy enjoys the human very much and loves to snuggle in at any chance. Oh by the way, shes has got sick in the car on a few occassions even though she was fine the day we picked her up. Anyone got any ideas on how to prevent this? Can’t be much fun for Daisy – poor little girl :(


    Just an update on Daisy (Hetti in her past life). She is flying. Enjoying life to the full. Feels like we always had her. She looked like a much older dog when we got her. Now she has a real playful puppy look. She’s much slimmer and has a lovely gloss to her coat now. She’s such a good natured girl :P Well done to all dog carers in homing so many dogs.


    This is Hetti (now Daisy) wishing all you hard working DID volunteers a Very Happy Christmas. Daisy is with us almost eight months now and theres not much of the "shy little girl" left. She’s a cheeky article and rules the roost :lol:

    Daisy and Teddy having a rest.

    Daisy and her favourite dancing partner.


    Ahh. thank you so much..I remember this shy little girl. Its great to see her happy and confident :D


    A mutual admiration society, only a dog can generate such a picture of pure pleasure


    Daisy and her family send Christmas Greetings to all DID volunteers. Thank you all for being so caring. Woof Woof Woof to all the other luck rescuees (arn’t we the lucky ones lads :lol: )


    Daisy (Hetti) will be celebrating her 1st year with us this Fri. 15th April. She is such a lively little girl and great craic. She is still fearful of some men (especially those in black tops or shirts). She still has the toy puppy that came with her (minus the stuffing :lol: ) She goes from zero to 100 m.p.h. in 2 seconds along the beach and her batteries never run out. Loves meeting her doggy friends and human ones too. We were so lucky to get such a lovely little dog. I hope you get the pictures of her as this is my first go at trying to send some.


    Well the lovely Daisy (nee Hetti) celebrates her 2nd birthday with us today. She is in great form. Still the same lovely puppy she always was. Loves children, adults, dogs, in fact anything that moves and she gets a bit of fun or a laugh out of :lol: :lol:
    290911 227.jpg


    Congratulations and thank you for the lovely photos…she looks so happy :D


    this is brilliant to see :) she really is such a cutie !!
    hope you have many many more happy birthdays with her :)


    Happy Christmas from Daisy :D


    really great to see she is doing so well she was my last foster before i had my baby and what a dote she is ! hopefully now that jake is that little bit older i can get back into fostering :) she is looking very healthy and happy im delighted !!!

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