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  • in reply to: Angie Mastif x #92180

    lovely pics, thanks for taking her for me! i was so sorry that i had to let her go at such short notice. for those reading, it was nothing to do with this little angel, just a family emergency. so thanx again dogluvrs

    in reply to: Angie Mastif x #91915

    angie is doing great with her toilet training. no accidents since her first night here! she is getting there with her sitting and there is definatley no food aggression whatsoever (i play around with her food regularly while she is eating just to be sure) she is full of beans but does love nap time! next on our training list is jumping! lol, she jumps up to say hi and look for cuddles. she seems to learn mostly by example as she copies my own dog who was a great help in the toileting.
    she is far more relaxed now on the leash (she seems to have realized its not some torture device lol) we havent gone on any walks yet as she is still too young but when we do venture out, we will have an update on that.
    angie is teething at the moment so everything is fair game for gnawing on lol like socks, crate, slippers etc
    she is a super girl, she just needs a bit more work but she is getting there in leaps and bounds!

    in reply to: Angie Mastif x #91877

    angie has had a great day. she got on great with all the differant family members that came to see her and even had a little piece of turkey!
    she is the most curious dog i have ever met and has to investigate and smell every inch of any new house we go into, i think she would make a great sniffer dog! lol she misses nothing does our angie!

    happy christmas to all

    in reply to: Angie Mastif x #91786

    angie is a big old scaredy cat! terrified of everything! although i should have named her the sock assasin!!!!!! she does love a good sock to chew on! hahahahahah when she finds one, she will run off and hide with it as her prize!

    in reply to: Angie Mastif x #91715

    angie is such a cutie! she loves loves loves her sleep! since she had dinner, she has been snoozing in he crate! oh and she snores! lol

    in reply to: Angie Mastif x #91711

    and heres the girl herself having a lie down…………….

    in reply to: Angie Mastif x #91708

    angie just came to me this evening (i named her after my fav rolling stones song). she is very quet but i assume that thisis because she was separated from her mother today.
    she marked her territory twice today and seems quite proud of herself!!!!! she is quite at home in her crate and seems fierce cosy in there. so ar, she is getting on great with my lab and son
    i will post pictures when i manage to get her to stay still long enough to take them!

    in reply to: Buster – Boxer #91579

    hes just beautiful! am i correct in thinking that by his date out that he is a surrender? if so, any reason why?

    in reply to: Sophie – Terrier cross mum and her 6 pups #91191

    ok who was it that jinxed her and said 8? the poor thing, how is she doing?

    in reply to: Nellie – Patterdale Terrier #91169

    hi indianna
    sounds like you’re doing a great job with nells. with regards to the frantic licking, she used to do that with me all the time and jumping up on me on the sofa. what i used to to was to put her back down on the floor or move her away from me every single time saying ‘no nellie’ after a while she gave in and realised i meant business because i never once let her away with it. i think because of her age and because she has been moved around a bit she is a bit insecure but all thi will settle down with time and consistency.

    in reply to: Columbo (aka Ringo) – Bassett Hound x #91111

    i want columbo sooooooo bad! he is possibly the coolest dog ever! great name by the way!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Lucy Bichon Frise at Rainbow Bridge #91065

    be very proud of the fact that you gave lucy the very best last few months of her life and she could not have been happier and now she is no longer in any pain. im very sorry for the pain you must now be feeling.

    RIP lucy

    in reply to: Lucy Bichon Frise at Rainbow Bridge #90696

    you didnt happen to have lucy n dundrum shopping centre last night did you? i saw a family carrying the tiniest bichon i have ever seen

    in reply to: Shadow – Labrador cross (7 wks) #90705

    oh the temptation to adopt this baby is killing me! i can hear the adoption forms calling me! such a beauty!

    in reply to: Nellie – Patterdale Terrier #89863

    hey i was wondering how nellie was getting on? is she loving her new home? isnt she just a dote?

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