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MemberOh dear!!!! I’m cmpletely besotted by this girl-she is just stunning!! Well done!
MemberWell I saw this little lady out pounding the pavements with her mom in the sunshine over the weekend and she looks super!!!she had a lovely bling bling lime green collar on and was walking extremely well on her halti!! She looks super and had a happy staffie smile on her!! Just thought you’d like to know!!
Memberwhat a handsome lad- he really is gorgeous! Kinda shocked he is still in foster care though! Really did think he would be snapped up superfast!!
MemberI have some lovely photos of Lucy also from when she stayed with me last weekend- and i agree- she is SUPER!!!! Such a chilled out little lady and i just adored her!!She is so laid back and happy in her own skin-which is just fabulous to see!!!I will upload the photos i have of her also but cant wait to see her in her new home!!!!!
Memberso Gwen told me how cute this little man was……but OH man!!!! he is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I thought Scooby was the only pitbull for me…….but wowsa!!!! ned is gorgeous!!
Keep the updates coming!!!ACKI1984….as for your question on pitbulls with other dogs…all dogs no matter what the breed can be good/great with other dogs, as long as they are socialised properly….kinda like humans you know….if they’re raised right- they turn into good upstanding adults!!!
Every dog is different- therefore to brand an entire breed to be ‘not good with other dogs’ is completely incorrect, and is what has been done with the pits,. It is all about socialisation and as long as a dog is well socialised-there should be no problems with other dogs!
Ned looks like he is in LURVE with Digger- so the pics speak for themselves!!sezzie22
MemberHow is Bear doing?? Has he been sorted into foster care at this point?
Would love to know how he is…..
MemberFirst you need to upload the pics to or whichever!
Then when they are uploaded- you will see underneath each image a ‘Direct URL’. you need to ‘copy’ this.
So when you go to write your post- click the Img button, and paste the direct URL in between thedirect URL here
Memberha ha……this little dude is ……just that…a little dude!!!! He is gorgeous- was dying to get out of his kennel- so brought him out for a walk- excellent on the lead- trots along happily beside you and loves cuddles- his ears are fantastic and………oh yes i have a big soft spot for this guy!!! he was only barking when he saw me bringing other dogs out for a walk- once he was out- there wasn’t a peep out of him- happy little chappie!
MemberShe is a gorgeous girl! Walked her on friday and fantastic on the lead- a real lady!!! rolls over for belly rubs and loves a bit of affection- she is stunning- shiny coat and all- just a lovely lovely girl- and just to second- she is tiny! She is not even knee height- lovely lovely girlie!!!
MemberSome updated pics of the lovely Summer-She is a great girl- the easiest addition to any home-no scratching- no whining, she is such a chilled little lady … x00062.jpg … x00042.jpg … x00082.jpg … x00102.jpg
Hope that works!!!
Not so sure how to upload pics on this new forum!!!
This girl is just fantastic and I really hope she gets a 6 star home!!! She is such an easy addition to the house- loves her comfort and even when the others a barking she just looks around- as if to say ‘Guys….what is ALL the fuss about??!!!’sezzie22
MemberAh god…..I am so sorry to hear that….RIP Sonny and my thoughts ar ewith both you Kim and his forever family, whom I am sure will miss him terribly…..
MemberI found Kizzy does need you to wait with her outside- but she never had an accident with me- but i was religous about letting her out as I was still trying to access her level of house training!
She works like clockwork straight after food and loves the praise after she has done her business!! I used the same technique as Muireann- just waited and waited and refused to go in as i knew she needed to go but was distracted and wanted to play with me, or chase the neighbours cat off the wall!!
Fingers crossed she will ‘get it’ soon but some evenings she would potter around for 10 mins before she would do what she needed to do!!sezzie22
MemberLittle Kizzy- I am so happy you are in the process of adopting kizzy- i fostered her initially and had a fabulous time with her- she just loves EVERYBODY!!!
Really saddened to see the wounds-though i can’t see them properly as the pics are really small- what on earth happened her?
I am so glad she will have another staffie to play with-she loves a bit of rough and tumble!!And I am sure Lock will be well able for her!!
Congrats on adoption process- wishing you both the very best of luck and please keep us updated- she left a big hole in my heart that little madame did….sezzie22
MemberDelighted Sally has found a safe home with your Dad- I was horrified by her story (one of many horrific stories…but anyway)
When she settles, would be lovely to see some pics of her!! -