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MemberSnoop is getting on great! We had him at the beach the other day coz he seemed to love running through big puddles so we thought he’d love it there and he defo did! He was so excited and running in and out of the water chasing Kas and a few other friends he made. He was playing with a big Lab that was fetching a stick out really far but he was a little afraid to go in that deep so he’d go out as far as he dared and bark at her til she came back with the stick! He also didn’t understand not to drink the sea water
But his poor little system didn’t react well to the sea water and his bum resembled something of a sprinkler
Hopefully he’ll remember that the next time! But the bonus was he was so handy to clean after a trip to the beach, we took him to the tap and gave him a quick rinse and he was good as new coming home in the car! the same can’t be said for Kas however who is still trickling sand everywhere!
MemberThis little man is still with us waiting on his forever home. He’s making some new friends and playing loads with any dog that will entertain him.
He is such a happy little fella, pulls a little on the lead coz he’s so eager to go on his walkies but we’re working on that. His recall is getting much better and he lies down when you’re putting his lead on just to make sure you defo get it on and don’t go without him! He amuses himself with his toys and loves things to chew on so Kongs and bones are his favourite! We hope someone out there is looking for the perfect companion for plenty of walks, playtime and snuggles!
MemberOur little man was neutered on Monday but was completely back to himself when I went to pick him up from the vet! There’s defo a little bit of basset hound in him, his body is a little longer than it should be and he’s big paws for his size. He also loves his walks so much and there is no tiring him out on a walk so he will happily walk for hours! He’s the cutest little fella and is happy to greet anyone who stops to give him a pat and is straight on his back for a belly rub!
MemberSheeba is getting on great in her new home and here’s some pics of her when we seen her off.
MemberSheeba went off to her new home on Friday night and is getting on really well with her new Husky brother. She is so easy going I knew she’d settle in quick enough. I’m so happy she got such a great home!
MemberSheba will be off to her new home next weekend all going well. She met her new brother a husky and they had fun on a walk together running around a big field. We’ll miss this lovely girl when she goes but I’m glad she will be well looked after.
MemberSheba was enjoying the good weather over the weekend and we took her and Kas to the jacko which is a park close by with a river so she had a good swim to cool down and didn’t seem to want to get out at all! She loves her walks so much and gets so excited at the sight of her lead she’s gas. She gets a good run in the fields usually twice a day and we’re still finding it hard to put weight on her by uping her food but she must be burning it off with all the running around she does. She met some horses the other day in the fields and was very eager to get in to play with them but luckily she couldn’t fit through the fence. I got some pictures of her with them so I’ll have to post them up.
MemberSheba is still doing well with us, everyone comments on how lovely her colouring is. She loves the fields we bring them to and can let them off to run around and by god can she run! We started splitting up on the walk, Jimmy would walk one way around the field and I’d walk the other coz she was getting a good bit of exercise running between the two of us doing whole laps of the field no bother to her. Then even when we all walk together she just takes herself off and does a few laps on her own, it’s amazing to watch. She came across a rabbit the other morning in the field and gave chase but luckily for the rabbit there was a fence it slipped through not so lucky for Sheba who ran into the fence and had a little cut on her face. We cleaned it up and it’s healed well though.
MemberSheba is getting on great, we had her in our local park the other day and she jumped straight into the river and started swimming! We weren’t expecting that at all, she’s the first foster dog we’ve had that’s a swimmer. We’ll have to bring her to the beach I’m sure she’ll love it there. We’ve let her off the lead and she’s very good at staying close and coming back when called. She just runs around after a ball or just to run around. She’s great with other dogs, great with kids, people. She’s very quiet in the house and happily goes to bed when we do, we haven’t heard her bark at all. She’s very affectionate and loves a rub and when you stop she nuzzles you for more. She sits and gives the paw, she learns things very quickly. She’s housetrained and loves her grub. She’ll make such a great companion for someone or some family and I hope she finds her forever home soon.
MemberSheeba is approximately 5 years old and is a good natured beautiful GSD. She has been neutered and microchipped and all her annual vaccinations are up to date. She loves running around in the park off the lead when we’re out and chasing a ball or stick or anything you throw for her. Once you keep an eye on her she will always come back. She’s completely toilet trained and has never had an accident in the house. She enjoys the company of other dogs and is well able to play with other big dogs. She doesn’t like cats at all and when she discovered our wild ones out the back she went crazy and now keeps looking to go out the back looking for them. She walks great on the lead and gets very excited when you pick it up to go for a walk. She’s very quiet, we haven’t heard her bark yet and sleeps well at night. She’s a beautiful looking girl and would settle in quickly once someone was willing to give her some love and attention. She sits and gives the paw especially when she wants a rub! We’ll get some pictures up of her soon.
MemberThanks for the help I’ll pass this info on to the woman and if she wants me to post them on here too I’ll stick them up.
MemberI don’t know if that other link is woking so I’ll put this one up too.
MemberThanks for all your kind words, we went in to see her a few hours ago and say our goodbyes. She was still in the kennel where she died and hopefully she just drifted off in her sleep. The vets aren’t exactly sure what happened so they asked our permission to do an autopsy and see if they can find the answer. We’ll let you all know if they come back with a reason why this happened. We’ve asked for her ashes and if we get them before Christmas we’ll take her to California with us and sprinkle them somewhere nice. Here’s a little montage of Keiko and her time with us.
MemberI’m afraid it’s bad news this morning. The vet rang just after midnight last night to tell us Keiko had passed away. Thank you all so much for your prayers but our poor little girl just couldn’t fight anymore and as devastated as we are at least we know she’s not in pain anymore. I also feel sorry for the forever family that was waiting to take her who had fallen in love with her too. It happened so fast we didn’t see it coming but I’m glad we got a chance to know and love her. Jimmys leaving work early so we can go in and see her. It hurts so much to know she’s gone especially after she had such a hard life. We miss her so much and love her with all our heart. Sweet dreams my little baby bear xxxx
MemberWe got Keyko spayed on thursday, she was still groggy on friday but was full of beans back to herself on saturday. When we got up on Sunday morning she wasn’t well at all. She was moving around a lot and looked in pain and couldn’t get comfortable. Her scar looked a little swollen and she didn’t even want to go for a walk or eat. The vets was closed so we thought we’d keep an eye on her and if she didn’t improve we’d take her the next morning. We went out for awhile and when we came back she had gotten sick twice and pee’d in the house and seemed a bit worse so we rang the emergency number for the vet. They took her in and said they’d observe her through the night and give her some antibiotics and pain relief. We were happy she was in the right place coz she was visibly in a lot of pain. The vet rang this morning and said there was a little improvement but she was still quite sick so I went in to see her as they are keeping her in tonight too. She seemed a bit better to me but still a shadow of her former self I took her for a little walk and sat in the room with her for awhile petting her and telling her I loved her and we’re looking forward to taking her back home. The vet just called though and said it’s touch and go if she’ll make it through the night. Myself and Jimmy are so upset but still praying for a miracle for our little baby Keiko who deserves a chance at a great life after the start she’s had so please if anyones still up to read this say a prayer for her.