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MemberHe sounds adorable! Glad he loves his blankies
MemberOf course you can have some, pm your details
MemberThat’s brilliant Kay, will get them to you a.s.a.p
MemberIt took the lady months to knit them, I can’t see the staff at the pound washing them out, to use them for another dog! If they would I would give them in a flash!
The lady who knit them said they will be real easy to wash and dry! And they would last agesjune
MemberFound yesterday a lovely family took her in, thank god
she is at home now being spoilt rottenjune
MemberI’m going to check today if an older lady who’s 20 yr old cat has just died, might take skittles. Here’s hoping.
MemberThey are gorgeous! I must drop by to see the little chaps!!!
MemberAll dogs great and small are based in raheny, they do doggy daycare and socialization. They had 6 dogs on one dog bed when I was there on Monday, all as happy as Larry. A little pup was licking a boxers face, no problem.
My little terrier belle was playing with a pup when I came to pick her up ( normally she can’t stand pups )good luck
MemberMet the famous ET at doggy day care, he is gorgeous, sure of course you had to keep him
my two loved him
MemberI cant believe that Cate is still waiting on her forever home
. She is a beauty, she is the image of my dog Marley, and it seems the same temperment
MemberCongratulations Phil
I knew you wouldnt stop at one of little Twiggy, he is adorablejune
MemberThanks Quinn direct staff
MemberGood luck Wilbur, hope you have a wonderful life
he is just so cute
MemberThose beds look very badly made
I guess the dogs were just showing you
Those Rogz ones would go down a treat
You would swear butter wouldnt melt in their mouthsjune
MemberWell done ladies, take a bow. Thanks for saving him. He looks like he is thanking you all with his lovely eyes