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MemberWell Mia – aren’t you just looking fantastic – so stylish. Loving the coat
Love to Ollie and your Nana
Sharon, Ian and Izzie x
MemberHi there – so we finally managed to get a recent picture of our little camera shy Izzie helping out in Best Buds. She is just the happiest little thing who loves nothing more than long walks in the park followed by curling up on your lap for cuddles (ok maybe she loves her food more – she really loves her food
. She recently completed some training classes with the DSPCA and passed with flying colours – wouldn’t let the trainers take her pic with her rosette though – just turned her back and ran across the field when the camera came out (Like I said she is a diva
She just wanted to let everyone who looked after her at the start that she is doing great in her forever home and her forever family adore her – she is going shopping at the weekend for a new bandana for Christmas
Rocking the Bandana.jpg
New Shop Assistant.jpg
MemberHi there
Just a quick update on Izzie who we have had for over a year now. She is definitely the boss in our house and is the funniest little thing ever. It is hard to believe that anyone could have dumped this little dote but we are so happy that she is with us now.
She is finding the weather a bit hot at the moment but is booked in for her summer haircut next week so she will be looking even more fabulous and cuter than ever.
She still runs and turns her back when she sees the camera so we don’t really have many pictures of her but I love this one because she just looks so happy
Izzie on a Road Trip.JPG
MemberSo hard to believe it is a year since our little lady went to Rainbow Bridge. We still miss her everyday but have lots of happy memories.
Sharon, Iain and Izzie xxx
Protecting the House.jpg
September 29, 2013 at 7:57 pm in reply to: Robin – Terrier x – ref 70 – approx 4yrs. – HOMED #117315ILoveLucy
MemberAw thanks a million for the photo
It was so lovely to meet you yesterday. As you can see she is doing really well – she is our little bundle of fun.
Still hates getting her picture taken though
( such a diva
) Love her xx
MemberAh Mary what a fabulous pic of Ollie – bless him he is just adorable.
What would we do without our little four-legged friends – they just bring such fun and happiness to any home
MemberHow is this little man doing?
MemberRalph you are just adorable – I think I am in love with that gorgeous little face
MemberHey there folks. So I was taken to the Beauty Parlour this week. This was my first time there so I wasn’t sure how to react but hey check me out. How cute am I (well everyone keeps telling me I am and that I look years younger
) and my forever family are giving me even more cuddles and belly rubs which is my favourite thing.
A huge thank you to Caroline at Waggles Dog Grooming for making me so pretty and looking after me so well.
After Haircut 2.JPG
After Haircut 1.JPG
Pre Haircut 1.JPG
MemberHi All – Just wanted to give a quick update on the bundle of joy that is Izzie and to ask for a bit of advice please.
So Izzie has been with us just over 2 months now and is totally settled and completely ruling the roost in that she has the two of us totally wrapped around her furry little paws. She is such a character and so much fun in the house. She LOVES her squeaky bone and does an adorable song and dance when we squeak it for her. Her favourite game is "chase me" round the house and just gets so excited. She has been loving being out in the garden so much over the last couple of weeks because there are so many bushes and plants to rummage under. She is a total terrier exploring, sniffing and hunting. And we can sleep easy in our beds at night as she is a fantastic guard dog warning all the neighbourhood cats to stay out of her garden!! It is just hilarious to watch her telling them off when they sit on the garden wall staring down at her
Her weight loss is progressing slowly but she can walk much further distances now and we have even had a few early morning jogs (some of them unplanned especially the one where we chased a fox – such a terrier
She absolutely LOVES my other half and as soon as he is in the door she is up beside him on the sofa for cuddles. She will just lie on his lap for hours and the two of them are the best of pals.
There is just one thing I need a bit of advice on – Recall when we are out for walks.
She is so good with all her commands; sit, stay, wait etc. Her recall is great around the house and garden but as soon as she steps out the front door she just gets so excited and makes a run for it!! Like I say she is great in the garden and I think we are making progress but as soon as I let her off the lead she was gone and no amount of calling, waving treats or squeaking her toys can convince her to come back until she is ready with a result I am too nervous to let her of the lead.
Would it be worthwhile going to professional classes with her? I have tried everything else. I want her to have the most out of everything and because she is such a typical terrier I want her to be able to go exploring in the fields where we live safe in the knowledge that she will come back instantly when called.
Once again a HUGE thank you everyone who looked after Izzie (Robin) when she first came out of the pound. I still cannot believe she ended up there in such a state but I am so happy she came into our lives. She is just adored so much. Thank you xxx
MemberSancho you look fantastic. Wishing you lots of luck in finding your forever home x
MemberIzzie and I had the total pleasure of meeting Percy at the DID event on Saturday. Percy is such a handsome chappy and so affectionate. He is an absolutely fantastic dog and anyone would be lucky to have him as part of their family. I have to be honest it was hard to say goodbye to him. Percy you are a total star
MemberIzzie had a fantastic day up at Maxi Zoo on Saturday and her and Percy got on like a house on fire. I think Percy might have had a bit of a crush on her and in fairness who could blame him – she is just adorable and just wants to talk to everyone. I have to say Percy was an absolutely gorgeous dog and Izzie and I were very close to taking him home with us
Izzie’s weight loss is progressing well and she is now just over 8kg. The vet wants her to get down to at least 7kg so we have a bit to go but she can walk for much longer and loves nothing more than running across the playing fields near where we live so we will get there eventually.
She was so excited to see Raj and Inga on Saturday and it was fantastic to meet the lovely people who did so much for Izzie when she came out of the pound. She is still a bit camera shy – personally I think she is waiting till she can show off her fantastic new figure and she will be posing like a supermodel
MemberSo Izzie had her first doggie visitor to her new pad
The very pretty and very ladylike Scamp the Spitz came to visit bringing a bag of her favourite food (thanks Marie). They were initially unsure of each other but after a couple of sniffs they just got on with things. Our Izzie was very keen to point out that this was her patch though and she was the boss!! She is definitely a little tomboy who loves rough and tumble. My sister thought I was making it up when I told her how hard it is to get a picture but you can back me up now can’t you Marie. Here are a couple of pics of her and Scamp enjoying the sun
Check out My Patch Scamp.jpg
No Mum Look At Me.jpg
Road Trip with Scamp.jpg
Izzie wanted me to say a HUGE HI AND THANK YOU to her fabulous foster parents Raj and Inga, Barbara (and Holly) who also looked after her for a while and Kathy and everyone at DID for everything you have done for her.
Since being rescued from the pound she has known nothing but love and affection and because of of all of you guys she is just a happy, health, cuddly and very energetic little lady who thinks it his hilarious to have two "mature" (questionable!!) adults (even more questionable!!) chasing her round the house playing ball and rolling around on the floor
She thinks everyone involved with DID is amazing and asked me to send lots of love.
Sharon x