Forum Replies Created
MemberIsn’t that just a dream shot – barefoot children and dog, completely absorbed in fun. Wonderful.
MemberWe’d love to see all of you anytime [except the first week in May]just give us a shout – and I know Harry would love to see Nulla even though she had a fling with that Hungarian guy.. xx V.
MemberTwo years ago this week our roaring boy came to live with us and changed our lives completely. We now get out walking every day – I’ve lost the excess weight that had slipped on over the past few years and am fitter and happier than I’ve ever been – I’ve got the doggy pal I longed for during all those years living in a small flat in the city. And he -well he’s the ornery critter he’ll always be – smart as a whip, affectionate and tremendous fun with his family, belligerant with every one else
He’s mostly a country bumpkin which suits him but we can take him to town now confident he won’t have us hauled before the bench because he’s terrified some innocent bystander. He’s even been to a few garden parties where he’s behaved impeccably [distracted and delirious with all the food on offer] and we adore him -he has firmly wrapped himself around our heartstrings where he will stay forever.
Thank you to everyone at Dogs in Distress for fixing us up with this really smashing dog.WP_000479.jpg
MemberGod – dogs are such excellent chaps. Look how accommodating [literally]Ruby is to Sky in the first picture and you can see Sky’s desperate need to be that close. She still has a bit to go that gorgeous girl, the contrast between the state of the two dogs is very affecting but T.G. she’s in a safe space now.
MemberOh good another welcome picture of one of my favourite dogs the gorgeous Yogi, looking so happy in his lovely home.
MemberYes I’d like to add my voice to that wish.
I must say Bonnie looks great, she really seems to be engaging with the world now looking directly at the camera as opposed to that worrying vacant look she had when she was first rescued. She’s a credit to her fosterers and to you for the gentle and loving way she’s been brought back to ‘life’.
Happy New Year to all at DIDHebe
MemberThese pictures of Max have made me well up. Such a transformation from the bedraggled scared little man we saw in the pound.
MemberOh I Love this image. I’ve been a keen follower of Yogi since he first appeared on the site, he was obviously a smashing dog and yet I worried that no one would be able to see past the bad press these dogs sometimes get. But look at him now – in a wonderful home with two perfect doggy companions, looking just gorgeous.
Way to go Yogi!!!Hebe
MemberI thoroughly enjoyed reading your amusing and heartwarming update and watching the youtube video. What a lovely addition Boo-Boo is to your family and well done you for offering a home to another maltreated dog. I hope you’ve had as gorgeous a summer in Sweden as we’ve had here in Ireland. Ha det sa bra!.
MemberThe transformation in this boy is astonishing. He is Gorgeous. It looks to me like there’s a large dollop of English pointer, and lemon/white English pointer at that, in this chap – lovely natured dogs, affectionate and not the least manic. Well done fosterers!
MemberIt’s not long since I posted on happy endings but I wanted to share this picture of Harry, leaping nearly 6 feet in the air, before the frisbee has even been thrown. He’s a very athletic dog but also a real smoocher in the evenings, liking nothing better than a good old cuddle on the sofa – adopting this complex, endearing, charmer has been one of the very best things we’ve ever done. Let’s hear it for collies and collie type dogs!
MemberWell it was a year ago this week that Harry came to live with us. He was 14 months old and through no fault of his own or anyone else’s for that matter, we were his third home. It took him a good 6 to 8 months I would say to really relax. He had been enormously well looked after and happy in his foster home and I’m sure he missed Carolan and Paul and his doggy pals for a very long time. We loved him from day one, but the early days with us were far from easy for him. He was sweetness through and through but he was also very wired – reactive and highly strung and the truth is we didn’t really know how to help him. Fortunately we contacted the excellent Emmaline Duffy-Fallon and she came and did a session with Harry from then on we were able to move forward, not in a straight line – I think that only happens in movies – but in the general direction of progress and now a year later I can honestly say he seems to be a happy, settled dog. For our part we think him the finest dog there’s ever been and we’re delighted he came to live with us.
Thanks to all at DID particularly Kathy, Claire and Lainey -what wonderful work you do.WP_000184.jpg
MemberHarry has been with us since April and continues to delight and amuse us. He’s the most vocal dog I’ve ever come across. He sleeps just outside our bedroom door and wakes us every morning with a repertoire which sounds exactly like whale music. If you talk to him he gives little grunts by way of reply and amusingly always tries to have the last word. He’s enormously affectionate and very easy to live with, still not great in busy places and he’s nervous and barky around children but we’re confident that with continued gentle exposure those fears will ease. We both love him to bits and couldn’t imagine life without him.
We want to thank all the people at DID who did such a good job with Harry when he was in their care and to wish them A Happy New Year and hope they’ll all be able to continue with this vitally important work from which we all benefit.WP_000038.jpg
MemberHi Indianna,
It was really lovely having a visit from Carly and Paul and their new son, [a delightful smiling and gurgling presence in our home] Harry was more interested in his foster Mum and reacquainting himself with Nullah their female German pointer, a beautiful dog who also came to visit. One of the nice things about adopting from DID is the network of people you meet and the feeling of support it gives you. Harry has brought such a lot of warmth to our lives in one way and another.Hebe
MemberWell, we have had Harry [formerly Bobby] a week now and he is delightful.
His first few days were difficult for him – he was so disorientated and unsure, but doing his best and very very endearing. The first evening I think he was a little panicky- when we left him alone in the kitchen to sleep, he was distressed so we moved his bed to the corridor just outside our bedroom and he calmed down.
Second night not a peep out of him – so that will remain the arrangement. And so it has proved to be with everything new- unsure and nervous but then getting the measure of it and growing in confidence.Its been a big help that the farmer whose land adjoins our garden is happy for us to exercise him in his fields, which means we have the exquisite pleasure of watching this lithe, healthy animal, bound along open meadows and explore ditches and hedgerows – today he flushed out a pheasant and was very pleased with himself.
We are more grateful than we can say to Carolan and Paul [his fosterers] who took in a timid, traumatised young dog and a few months later handed over to us, [not without some sorrow] a beautiful, well adjusted, happy, animal. We also want to thank Kathy, Lorrainne, Claire F. and the inspiring people of DID. Pictures will follow – when we get the hang of this, to us, new fangled stuff.