Posted yesterday on FB by Zuri’s forever family:
Hi Kathy, just a little update about Layla (Zuri).
She is growing very fast, getting taller and longer by the day. She is full of life and mischeif. The back garden is like a mud bath and there are big holes everywhere. The only things she hasn’t chewed are the ceramic plant pots, everything else is broken and eaten She lost all her puppy teeth over christmas and has now got all her adult teeth which she has tested out on the legs of the table and chairs, hall table and the carpet on the stairs and at least 3 new dog beds but we love her and when she looks at us with the doleful eyes we find it hard to be cross with her She loves to sit on the arm of the chair and look out the window and when she’s finished having a nose at the neighbours she curls up in a ball (like a cat) and has a snooze or sits in front of the fire getting a heat ! As I’m typing this she is sitting in front of me barking at me because I won’t et her sit on my lap on top of the laptop, she’s crazy ! As you know she is going in on Wednesday to be neutered so I have no doubt she will return with a cone as she is bound to chew the stitches if she doesn’t. I will up date you on how that goes during the week. We love her to bits and can’t imagine life without her so thank you for rescueing her in the first place xx Zuri_FB_25Feb13_1.jpg Zuri_FB_25Feb13_2.jpg
Well, Layla!! Haven’t you grown up to be an absolute stunner – no surprise there though!!! Lovely to see you so happy and settled and grown up! Big hug from all of us here.