Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt

Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt

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    We will miss him so much but he deserves a home wit either kids or dogs or both. Plus we know he be well looked after and hopefully him and the missus will send us a postcard from their new ‘love-shack’ sometime. :D


    Well Wiggles had his ‘bush tucker trial’ bits snipped and nipped today :shock: :shock: :shock:
    He also had his dew claws removed, ears deep cleaned and two baby teeth pulled….. So he is now a man :lol:
    He is in great form thankfully, the lovely staff in Cara Vets were laughin at him they agreed he suits him name cos he a squirmer, only for shaved parts ya wouldnt even know he had it done! Except the Lamp-shade collar is getting the better from him.
    He walks as if its chasing him and he keeps stopping and starring at it as if to say ‘Go Away’ then because he cant scratch his ears he does this lil groan and looks at me as if ta say ‘Please jojo scratch it pleaseeeeeeeeeee’ and grunts with satisfaction when i scratch him. He is asleep with a cushion to help wit collar discomfort! So will stick up pics tomor!


    poor wiggles thankfully he has you joe :D


    Well poor wiggie is down in the dumps today. :( He is exhausted from broken sleep with the collar and so am i!!! :cry:
    He is eating like a horse tho… Lets hope after a good kip him and I will be brand new tomor. ;)


    Awh ! Poor Wiggles! :(
    How is he doing today though?


    Well Wiggles has made a fool of me! :? This morn he was very quiet, off his food, shivvering and sore! So after noticing redness on his..eh..lack of manliness… i called the vets and they suggested to have him looked at asap. Cos he has no weight on him and had managed despite the collar to strike some amazing yoga poses (that put madonna to shame), he licked his stitches! When me mam and sis brought him to vet he made a holy show of us :shock:
    He licked her to death while she gave him a check up in the lower regions and said he has bruised his ‘bits’ prob from showin his girlfriend a good time ;) She gave him an anti-inflam and told us to be ‘firmer’ wit him as he has us sussed!!! He knows we are easy targets! 8-) So he and im sure the lovely staff in Cara Vets are laughin at us… :lol: I took some pics il stick up tonight of his ‘sad face’.


    Sorry i didnt get to put up pics… Instead i had a cuddle on couch wit Wiggles! This morn he has woken up like a new dog :D He is eating great and has discovered a new trick wit his new teddy. The teddy has a scarf on and he holds it by the end of scarf and spins in circles using the teddys weight to build up momentum …Then he lets go and is so dizzy he lies on floor rolling, snorting and grunting in delight :lol: then jumps up to do it again :roll: I tried to video him cos it would defo make me €250 on ‘you’ve been framed’!! He is the funniest character.
    I swear only dogs and kids wake up in such good mood! 8-)


    Well Wiggles had his 1st Vac and chip today thanx to Suzi! He screamed like a propper wimp when he got his chip :roll: then played the poor lil me card in front of Suzi! As soon as she left he was running round garden playin footie wit me 8-) He is a right lil chancer.
    So he is now ready to go to his forever home :D
    This is his ‘poor me iv been neutered face’!!!! :?

    Will do a final post before him and the missus fly the nest. ;)


    :( Wiggles went to his forever home wit Debs, Stu and lil Eoghan today. We had a special sleep last nite and me and wiggie cuddled up in my bed ;) We will miss him so much and yeah i did shed some tears and couldnt look as they drove away to begin their new life together. I couldnt have asked for a nicer family for Wiggles and wana thanx debs and stu for giving him the home he deserves.
    So i have posted the last funny video of his cute lil facial expresions.
    (i hope this works) :?
    So long Wiggie-woo we’ll always remember our 1st special foster pup.


    Good luck little man and yur new family!
    Did they keep his name Jojo? cos it is such a gorgeous name!


    Yeah, initially i thought it was gona be changed to ‘Bolt’ as their lil boy just relates all dogs as bolt the cartoon dog. :lol:
    But Debs txt me last week to say he kept looking in garden at home for ‘Biggles’ haha… So in a few months im sure his lil speech will manage wiggles! They updated me last nite to say he was robbing all Eoghans toy cars and tearing round the garden, so he sounds like he has settled in already!


    latest news on ‘wiggles’ who has a brand new name ‘bobby’ or ‘bob dog’.
    well jo bob has been doing a great job settling in,only had 2 first nights singing himself to sleep and scratching at door,then nothing,he has his own little bed(he claimed an un used cushion for himself)in the sitting room in a corner and seems to crash at same time as eoghan,which is great,and sleeps thru nite,just like eoghan.
    eating great and lots of little tricks for his treats,he does sit,stay,wait,come and newest one is ‘bobbys step’ so he sits on bottom step of stairs when im opening front door(was door dashing,and i was worried hed scare bejaysus out of people or get out).
    had stair gates already,but didnt take him long to figure out he could force himself thru bannisters.need to fatten him up a bit then he’ll have to find new way up.
    hes developed a taste for my plants in garden,doesnt like cats at all,loves his walks,goes mental for his coat and lead,bless him,and loves humping his girlfriend and their new arrival ‘fergal'(hes a soft shark),very affectionate pup.
    all in all hes coming on great,and i think he’ll only get better the more secure he feels here over time,my mam thinks hes a fab little fella,so his fan clubs growing all the time.
    will keep you updated and try figure out how to do pics on here soon,take care,im off to do a spot of ‘poo picking’in the garden.


    awww i just sat and read over the posts for ‘wiggles’ or booby as i should say… i forgot how small and cute he was! The pic ya sent to my phone was great he looks much bigger and coat looks so healthy. If you want me to upload pics just mail them to me and il post them.
    So glad he is as happy as i remember… keep us updated and give him cuddles from us!! Also give the missus our love….haha :lol:


    :lol: :lol: :lol: i meant BOBBY…. :oops: :oops:

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