Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt

Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt

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    Wiggles eating snow.


    Me and Wiggles just had a 15min play in garden and he is shattered..haha. He is tucked beside me wit a hotwater bottle over him cos the icy garden had his ickle toes chilly. I wish i had his life… He is so sweet and innocent to the world. Any family will be lucky to have him and the love he returns just for keepin him safe!


    those are the funniest/cutest pics ever,he looks really happy jo,he should have his own calender,dyin to see him.


    HaHa :lol: your right he his just so funny. I have so many pics of him its hard to choose the best ones.After play time he gets so tired he gets bags under his eyes its hilarious.For a lil fella he is a great watch dog, doesnt miss a trick. 8-) I will put more photos up later tonight and prob give him a nice bubble bath…He wants to look his best for his potential new family! ;)


    I gave Wiggles a lovely warm bath and as soon as i turned tap on he tried to jump in :o He loves his baths! After a lovely tea-tree treatment on his skin, he is curled up in my dressing gown wit my hot water bottle :? I know i spoiling him 8-) Look how exhausted he is?! He just makes me giggle so much.. when drying my hair he started eating the air blowing from it making his cheeks flap.. :lol: :lol:
    Today i came home from work to find out that he learned new tricks.. SIT & STAY/ FETCH and wait for it ‘INTO BED’!!!!! He got a gold star for bein top of the class :D
    Everyday i am so proud of him… so eager to please and so full of love. Waking him in the morning is a joy.. a big stretch and a bum wiggle wat else could i ask for!


    god he is cute :D


    Wiggles has a bit of kennel cough :( and is feeling sorry for himself! But still found the time to sit on my mams feet while she cooking dinner! haha.
    His ‘girlfriend’ had to have cosmetic surgery on an earlobe as he whispered 2 many sweet nothings into it tonight and she looked like mike tyson had had a go of it :lol: :lol:
    He has a thing for kisses ears and snuggles into mine when watchin tv..all well and good until he starts snorring! :roll:
    He has lovely white teeth :D after stealing my sisters teeth bleaching gum mould for second time…. wonder how she will explain its mis- shape to dentist 8-) 8-)
    Fingers crossed his cough clears soon… it worries me more than bothers him i think.


    ahhh jo he sounds so cute, hope his cough gets better, is he on cough bottle for it?


    He been takin Exputex(should i forced to swallow) he hates it :(
    When he sees the bottle he runs away :shock:
    But iv also been told kids Benelin good for them and less sugary so gonna try that. Also Has develped an upset tummy but i think its just change in life cos he in flyin form today(after a lie-in under my duvet) and eating well! Gona boil up some pasta and no treats til tummy settles.
    I made him a jumper out of a leg from an old pair of leggings :lol:
    Il stick up pics later… he looks like a gym goer…hahaha! but keeps his chest warm when out in the garden rolling in the ice :roll:


    thats fantastic jo cant wait might do my two. mashed potato and boiled rice is good as well for the tummys. try his medicine in some natural yogurt or a very small amount of his dinner with it mixed in. puppies are very cute when it comes to meds. your doing a great job :D


    god jo reckon youll be givin him chest rub later with vicks,lucky little man havin his own therapist on call.


    haha yeah deb will need an on call minder!!!??? haha me! he can wrap me round his tail quicker than iv ever known… he takin ta sittin on everyones feet so funny…! i fell in ice and in agony cos bruised tailbone but wiggie wont sit anywhere but on it :shock: OUCH! Plus he has develped an addiction to cheese and onion crisps! empty bag on floor took 30min ta lick clean bag and no one was takin his secret please away even his ‘girlfriend’! :o :o :o
    i gona attempt bed with him…. best snuggler ever..! sshhhhhhh dont tell on me! ;)


    Well wiggles should have been named cuddles…. He just loves skin on fur ;) and tonight he curled up on sisters boyfriends lap so very happy wit him cos initially he wasnt as friendly to men! So his trust his coming along great. Cos he not been out much due to kennel cough he has bundles of energy during day 8-) and finding mischief everywhere. So as ya can see i earned a blue peter badge by making him a tank top out of an old pair of leggings to keep warm while we chase around the garden. Im sure he felt more man-ly than he looked! :lol: He been beggin for a bath but will have to wait until he better dont want him gettin a chill.. he thinks he’s a greyhound running in the garden he puts head down racin about until the birds distract him :shock: :shock: he sits for hrs staring at them. It must be great to see the world in his rose tinted glasses!


    Oh my :o :o jojo took me outside and all this funny stuff fell on me from god knows where,so i licked it,chased it,rolled in it,jumped on it and sniffed it til i sneezed and it just melted in my mouth!Not sure wat is was but i was so excited i ran laps of garden til my paws went numb and jojo made me come inside cos of my cough :roll:
    But i quickly nodded off and dreamt of this lovely family that visited me today.They gave me so much attention i dont think i expressed myself appropriately at times :oops: sorry debs!They brought this lil fella wit them who was same height as me if i put my paws on his shoulders for lick. Never seen a small human before :? but i reckon if i really good me and him be playin footie together for yrs to come! I hope that crazy white stuff is there in morn when get to play again. My foster family keep sayin they’ll miss me wonder why, just hope they dont forget ta pack the ‘missus’ 8-)


    Awh that is so cute !
    The "missus" :lol: :lol:
    Fair Play to ya !
    We kept our forst foster so well done on just that , giving him away to a family that seem lovely! :D
    When they collect him you probably will cry :lol: Or ………. Maybe that’s just us :lol: :lol: :roll:
    Good luck Wiggles and your new family!
    May you have years of hapiness together ;)

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