Victor – 11mt old Terrier x puppy*HOMED*

Victor – 11mt old Terrier x puppy*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Victor – 11mt old Terrier x puppy*HOMED*

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    Victor is a great little fella so small and feisty, a really lively little pup! His tiny legs move very fast and he loves nothing more than a good chase around the house when hes managed to snare a sock, slipper, piece of plastic, another dog’s leg in order to start a game up.

    He adores the girls equally Yazz takes his whole head in her mouth and that seems to work for him, he obviously thinks its dark and quiet and would like a nap in there! He in turn gives her affection by swinging out of her bottom lip or letting himself be dragged around the muck by the collar! Its not a quiet house, but then, that would be boring :lol:

    Hes cuddled up with me here on the sofa waiting for dinner, we get a chipper on Friday so hes dreaming of a junior box and a battered sausage! Tummy bug obviously passed!

    We has Gerry Lee in foster this time last year so its not too late to claim him as your own u prospective adoptive parents out there! ;)


    Today I had a flashback to the glory days of farm living! My mam and dad brought me and the girls down to the canal for a lovely long walk where my crazy sister got into the water in the freezing cold :o Just about to turn around when Mel tore off through a gap in the hedge, well it would just be rude not to follow and see did she need my assistance! So off behind her I went and there in front of me was a herd of cows! And a horse! I knew Christmas was coming! My mam was like a crazed lunatic when we got back but it was the best day I’ve had in a long time! My herding days aren’t over yet!! :lol:


    Well Victor now called Rocco headed of to his new home yesterday and has settled in great!! He loves his new sister Abbie!! :D


    Delighted this little man has at last found his forever home. His new name certainly suits him. My husband and I fostered him for a few days last June and still to this day, my husband talks about the beautiful, lively and affectionate dog that is now called Rocco. Best new year gift anyone could get. We wish you years of health and happiness.


    Well Rocco certainly suits you my little pocket rocket friend and your new forever sister looks lovely and that she will be well able to keep up…..great start to the new year for you and I know lots of us will miss you and your stories so hopefully your forever family we keep us all posted.


    Even after only four days Rocco has already become firmly part of our family and has adapted himself admirably to our household. Abbey and himself love to play although his dislike for the cold outside leaves her somewhat perplexed (since she has such a thick fur coat!). We love that she now has another canine in her pack as nobody can play chase or tug of war the same as another dog!
    Our first trip to Marley dog park left Abbey exhausted, but not Rocco! She couldn’t get the ball from him, but I rather think she preferred the chase!
    At the moment he is snuggled between Ed and I on the couch (the laptop is in his way on my lap :) ) and he is like a hot water bottle.
    Needless to say we are delighted he has come to stay :D
    marley park 2.JPG


    Great to hear from you Rocco – sounds as though you’ve landed well and truly on your paws! :D

    DID Rescue

    Ha Ha…. he looks more like a blurrr.
    Maybe he is in fast forward :P
    Great to hear hear he settled in so easily and that his new sister loves him.
    They really do need canine company most of the time and it makes life so much easier as I learned after I started with one dog.
    When I added to the crew it was just extra food but the benefits far outweighed the the expense
    Best of luck little man not that you seem to need it considering you have just been relocated to live with your very own blonde girlfriend who happens to think you are fab ………….Wow Santa really came early to you…………you must have been very good but maybe Mel and Yazz will confirm that ;)


    Well Rocco haven’t heard from you in a while. How are you getting on? Looking forward to an update soon.


    Abbey and Rocco.JPG
    Rocco and Abbey.JPG


    Well we have now entered our third month with a two-dog pack and it has certainly been entertaining! Abbey and Rocco are inseparable, even spending a night together at the vet (after a slight mishap involving cooking chocolate destined for a chocolate fondue – no permanent damage, thanks to Ciara and Mark!). Rocco is a real character with a mind of his own, but sometimes he let’s us think we keep him under control. Life certainly isn’t boring, much to Abbey’s delight and he is a great addition to our family. Thanks to all of Rocco’s foster parents for doing such a good job.


    Ah thats great to hear, what a lucky boy, our house is certainly quieter since he went, the girls took a while to go back to playing together as Rocco generally was the playmaker! I say that as they are tearing around the garden dragging half my garden with them! We all have them mishaps they just remind us how much we love them and let us spoil them til they are better! Loads of kisses from all of us in the Burke house! Jules, Dave, Yazz and Mel xxx

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