Vanessa – Labrador x Puppy *HOMED*

Vanessa – Labrador x Puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Vanessa – Labrador x Puppy *HOMED*

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    Ah best of lucK Vanessa hope your a happy little woman in your new home. Ask your mammy and daddy to keep us posted on you. XXXX


    Just had to post this latest pic. Vanessa in her favourite spot on the kitchen table!! Needless to say we don’t encourage it . . .


    Love the photo of her on the kitchen table!


    Well Vanessa went off to Galway with her new family about half an hour ago and I am still snivelling! She is really the most gorgeous pup – one of the loveliest we have ever fostered. She was so gentle with the three very small Heffernan children – you would swear she was always around small children. Be happy in your new life, my little angel. You deserve nothing but the best!!


    Hi All,

    Well Vanessa (renamed Ruby) is at her forever home, arrived back last night at 7, she was a little sick on car drive but an old towel sorted that. Very timid little thing, easily frightened so did’nt want to meet her new big brother last night but they were the best of friends this morning.

    She’s a great little thing, all she wants is a cuddle and alot of love. Thanks to Susan for taking such good care of her, she’s a credit to you and DID.

    Heffernan clan


    What a lovely update – thank you so much :D


    Thanks a million, Monica. It is lovely to see her so happy and playing with Rocky. The photos are gorgeous. The very best of luck to you all.
    Susan and all the Colgans


    Hi all,

    Ruby (aka Vanessa) is getting on really good with us here in Galway. She is laid back and loves her walks, games and most importantly she loves her comfort. She spends most of the day on the couch or lying in the bed in the kitchen. She gets on great with my children and is loved lots by Rebecca (my youngest) especially.
    Snow 010.JPG
    Snow 020.JPG


    Thank you so much, Monica for the update. Ruby aka Vanessa aka Lucy looks FANTASTIC!! :D She was a really special little pup when she was with us and she has fulfilled ALL her promise through your loving care. She looks so happy and healthy and charmed with her new brother, Rocky. Lots of love and kisses and licks from all in the Colgan household. :D :D :D


    Hi All,

    It’s coming up on a year since we adopted Ruby. She’s doing great. She’s a little lady, enjoys nothing more than someone giving her attention, she love’s curling up on the couch, getting cuddles.

    Looking back on the pic’s I don’t think she grew much at all, we think there is a cross of a lurcher or greyhound in her.

    So happy we adopted her, since her we have had a few foster dog’s staying with us from a couple of rescues in Galway and we have loved it. We have also had a new little sister added to our household a chocolate lab and they get on great.


    Ruby (Vanessa / Lucy :lol: :lol: ) looks stunningly beautiful – fulfilling all the promise of her puppyhood! :D Bet she is a GREAT big sister. Thanks so much for the update, it really means a lot to hear about how our foster dogs are doing. :D :D

    DID Rescue

    What a good looking pair :P :P
    Delighted to see she is doing well and she has a shine on her coat to match her sister :)
    Thanks so much for the update we appreciate it just to cheer us up in these negative times.


    It is wonderful to see the picture and read the update on the stunning Ruby (whom we called Lucy). She looks every bit as beautiful as we always knew she would be. :D :D And now to be a big sister herself!!! Lets hope she learned her big sistership from Mollie here – as opposed to Tigra!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Lovely to hear from you, Ruby. :D

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