Update on Ringo – Formerly Pebbles

Update on Ringo – Formerly Pebbles

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Update on Ringo – Formerly Pebbles

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    The house was very empty after Pebbles left yesterday. I have to say we really miss him. But not as much as poor Luna. She spent most of the afternoon looking for him and every time I looked at her sad little face I cried. Even the kitten (who I still have not found a home for) knew she was sad and snuggled up beside her in her bed. Then I got a text and a photo of my little man from his new family later that afternoon and he looks all settled in. I am sure they will post on his progress in a few days once they all have got to know each other. Anyway I have sorted out the camera and here are a few more photos of Pebbles (now called Ringo)


    More photos of this stunning little guy.


    Wow Siobhan he looks like a different dog to the dog I gave you that 1st day .. You have done an amazing job on him :D
    Hope he’ll be very happy in his new home :) :) :)


    Well we’ve had Ringo (formerly known as Pebbles) for a few days now and he has already wrapped us around his little (big) paw! His puppy dog eyes could melt the toughest heart. He is so playful and affectionate, we couldn’t have asked for a dog with a better temperament. He is getting to know our cats slowly but surely, on their terms of course! Here are some photos of his first day with us.

    We’ll be sure to give you more updates on his progress :)
    Nearly Home.jpg
    Ringo and Ralph getting to know each other (tentatively).jpg
    Making new friends already.jpg


    Some more pics of our little man’s first day in his forever home:
    ‘t stop, having too much fun.jpg
    The boys bonding.jpg
    Tired after a long day playing.jpg


    great photos, he seems oblivious to the dirty looks he seems to be getting from the cat. Happy days


    Awww, only seeing this post now Siobhan. The pictures of the little kitten batting him is so cute! I only wish my two kitties were that brave. They’re still getting used to Ringo, but they are quite curious as to who and what this big fella is! :)

    I’ll post more pics in a few days when my home internet is back up. But you’ll be glad to know he’s settled in great. Despite his size, he loves to clamber up onto my lap when I’m watching tv and snuggle up with his head on my arm. And every so often he puts his head up on my chest and looks up at me lovingly with those beautiful brown puppy dog eyes of his, and he just makes me love him all the more. He’s keeping us fit too, he could walk and run for Ireland, and he loves his tennis ball.

    We had a housewarming a few weeks ago and he was the guest of honour and the host with the most! I think people spent more time petting him than they did talking to us! Little charmer that he is.

    Anyway, pics will be up soon. Take care all.

    P.S I have told everyone I know about DID and at least one is planning on adopting from you. Keep up the good work :)

    Hayley and Fergus


    Hi DID,

    Well we’ve had Ringo for a couple of months now, and he’s settled in so well. He pretty much owns the place now! :) He was neutered last week so is a little out of sorts since he can’t go for his much loved long walks or play with his favourite ball. He is also crashing into everything (even more so than usual) with the dreaded cone on his head. But he is having his stitches out on Saturday so he will be back to his old self then.

    We weighed him at the vet last week and he now weighs in at over 14kg, so he’s already put on a good bit since he left Siobhan and her family. We really don’t know how big he’s going to grow but I’m starting to think he’s already too big to be sprawled out on our laps (although you can’t tell him that since he does it every evening when we’re watching tv!).

    He really is such a lovely affectionate dog. We had a housewarming party a few weeks ago and he was the life and soul of the party, the host with the most! Here are a few pics from around then.
    Ringo Bed.jpg
    Ringo Ralph.jpg
    Ringo Kids.jpg


    A couple more photos of our little (big) guy. He is a hit with all our friends and family! :)
    Ringo Party.jpg


    Had a great day at the Fun Day on Sunday. It was really fun chatting to all the other owners and Ringo had great fun playing with all the other dogs. Here’s some photos of the day:
    Handsome Ringo.jpg
    Ringo Rosette.jpg


    More Fun Day Photos:
    Thomas and Ringo.jpg
    Competition Circle.jpg
    3 oul ones having a chat.jpg


    Even more photos of the Fun Day:
    Ringo and his best friend for the day.jpg
    Competition Circle.jpg


    Hi there everyone,

    Fergus and I have had our boy Ringo now for over a year and we just wanted to update you and show you how much he’s grown. We couldn’t imagine our life without him now, and with the size of him you couldn’t not miss him!! :lol:

    He still has our poor cats driven demented, but God love him, he only wants to play. He is an absolutely baby and loves cuddles and kisses, and licks and slobbers! :roll:

    Thanks so much to Siobhan and family for looking after him so well until he went to his forever home.

    Anyway enjoy some pics of our big boisterous fella :)
    Puppy Dog Eyes.jpg


    Couple more pics


    Another couple photos of our boy :)
    Giant Tongue.jpg
    Move over!.jpg
    ‘s a hard life for a pup.jpg

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