Update on Ringo – Formerly Pebbles

Update on Ringo – Formerly Pebbles

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Update on Ringo – Formerly Pebbles

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    This little pet was thrown into a river but thankfully an angel was passing by and saved him (thanks to Jenny for giving him b&B and getting him to the vet). He has been checked by the vet and apart from being underweight and neglected he should be fine. If you can help with transport or foster please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)
    Pebbles is 8 weeks old.


    the vet reckons this tiny baby is about 4 months old. he’s had a really good night. the vet wormed him. his tummy is very gurgly but he hasn’t been sick or had the runs yet so i’m hopeful!! the vet gave me a tin of the Hill’s Prescription Diet I/D food for gastrointestinal stuff which he’s eating very slowly. vet said to try him on a dessert spoon every hour but since last night he’s only had 2 spoons. he’s not very interested but tail is wagging and he’s eager to play so i’m takin all of this as a good sign.
    he’s so underweight and tiny that a passerby in the vet thought he was a cat (he had his little doggy face hidden under my arm at the time) :(
    his hair isn’t the best but god knows what he’s been fed on and i reckon he’s gonna be a stunner with a bit of TLC and proper diet.
    i think he’s been used to living outdoors as he does his business the minute he goes outside. he’s also not used to the crate at all and he’s not sure what to make of it :lol:
    considering all he’s been through in the last day he’s a very loving, affectionate little dude :D :D :D


    Thanks a million to Jenni and Shiobhan for doing the transport for this little man and taking him into foster ;)


    This little man will wormed, microchipped and have at least his 1st vaccination before being rehomed. He must be neutered at 6mts old.
    Here is the boy himself .. (unfortunately i had the resolution turned up too high on my camera so it wouldn’t upload directly to the website so had to do it the "old fashioned way" :lol: )

    He’s now safely in foster with Siobhan & family & I can’t wait to read his updates ..


    We collected this little guy from Jenni yesterday evening. The poor little mite is just a bag of bones. It never ceases to amaze me what humans are capable of. He travelled well in the car on the way home and recieved a great welcome from our dog Luna and cat Daisy. I fed him some of the food that the vet had given to Jenni. He scoffed it off the spoon as I was trying to put on his plate. He drank a big bowl of milk mixed with water. He went out into the garden with my boys and had a good sniff around and even joined in a game of ball. He had more food and rice a little later (and a McVities digestive)and we went into the sitting room and snuggled up on the sofa and watched a movie. He had a good sleep. So did the rest of us. Myself and the two boys woke at 4.30 am on the sofa and only because Pebbles(as my boys have decided to call him)needed to pee. I put him in a crate to sleep. He cried for about 5 minutes and then not another peep. I came down at about 8.30 am and let him out to go to the toilet. No accidents in the crate. He wolfed down a breakfast (I mixed some of the dry food with the food and rice) and licked the bowl for about 5 minutes.
    He had bad diarrhoea yesterday evening but this has stopped now and it is almost normal.
    This guy is amazing. He has the waggiest tail I have ever seen in a dog and the licks are non stop.
    I weighed him this morning and he is only 3.8kg. Hopefully he will continue to eat well and put on a bit. I will weigh him again next week.
    I have put up the pictures that we took yesterday. Will post more during the week.
    A big thank you to Kathy for asking me to foster this little guy. It will only let me add 3 attachments. Will post the others later.


    Aw Siobhan he looks like he’s having a blast! Love the "family" photo with the boys :) Pebbles is such a cute name too. Thanks for your help :)


    More pictures from yesterday.


    Even more pictures from yesterday.


    Well done Siobhan – he looks much better already ;)


    I think someone may become a failed fosterer, he is gorgeous. He looks all settled in.


    Sorry, I posted the wrong pictures. I uploaded the wrong numbers.Should have been the pictures below.


    Pebbles is getting on really well. He sleeps all night in his crate and not a peep or a pee. He manages to hold on till I let him out to the garden in the mornings. However he hasn’t got the hang and of using the newspaper when he needs to go other times. He rips them instead. But this will change as the days go by and he gets more settled. He has been through such a lot in his short life. He has a really great personality and is so affectionate. He still follows me everywhere and will whimper to be picked up for a cuddle. He snuggles in like a baby and gives a lick every now and then as if to say thanks a bunch for loving me. He adores the boys (and they him) and has them licked to bits.
    I half filled the paddle pool with water yesterday to re-introduce him to water and show him that it can be fun. He was a bit aprehensive at first but he stepped in after a while. I splashed both himself and Luna with lots of water and he didn’t mind a bit. I rewarded him with a treat for being so brave.
    Whoever gets to adopts this little guy will be rewarded with a dog who will be a great pal and give them unconditional love and affection his whole life.


    A few more pictures of this little guy. Am going to weigh him later and I will let ye all know the weight and how he has been doing the past week.


    More pictures


    Wow – he looks fantastic :D Its amazing what some tlc and proper diet can do – thanks a million ;)

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