Update on Elsa…(Mitzie)

Update on Elsa…(Mitzie)

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Update on Elsa…(Mitzie)

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    Ahhh….they look great..thank you :D

    DID Rescue

    What a good looking pair. :P
    A match made in Heaven or maybe on the DID match making section ;)
    DID could also mean Dogs Internet Dating :lol:
    They both look fantastic and very content together.


    Aw they look sooo good together , my daughter loved seeing how big she is getting :( , she still misses her . Thanks for the update i love seeing how they are getting on :D .


    Hi Sandra & Leanne,

    Just a little update on how I’m getting on.

    I’m getting on great in my new home but it did take me a little while to settle in because I missed you all.

    I have a fab big bro called Ollie & we hit it off from the first moment we met, we love going for long walks & playing out in the back garden especially when Mam is watering her plants….whats left of them, I do like to dig in the muck and make a mess hehehehe!!!!. :D

    I had a little set back last week after my long trip to the vet, I really thought that my mammy & daddy had forgotten about me untill I saw my brother Graham arriving at the vets to bring me home…phew!.
    I was feeling very sorry for myself for a couple of days after but have been spoilt rotten, lots of hug & kisses and a new toy…..one flash of my baby browns & they’re like putty in my paws.

    Will update again soon,

    Woof, Woof & a wag of my tail,

    2011-06-27 12.19.20.jpg


    Hi Sandra,

    Just a little update on how Elsa is doing.
    She has become the cutest little bundle of fur and loves everybody. She’s still a bit nervous of visitors that come to the house, but is great with other dogs and loves going out for her walks.
    Her favorite pass time is playing with her Brother Ollie and she still LOVES her food…and everybody else’s food :D

    I’ll post a few photos of our little fur ball.

    Chat soon,

    elsa specs.jpg
    Elsa fur ball.jpg
    Little miss sunshine.jpg


    Hi sorry i havent replied my poor computer was sick but now its back and running smooth ,, :D . She looks soo lovely the glasses are cool ;) , thanks for the up date .

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