Tyson – Lab x GSD

Tyson – Lab x GSD

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Tyson – Lab x GSD

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    tx so much for the update..he looks incredibly happy with you guys..adorable pics!! this guy is a real sweetie..you will have hours of endless fun and games with him..am so happy for him! do keep us updated..poor man..hope the snip will not be too uncomforable for him as he is still such a baby!!.


    Hi all,
    Just a quick update on Truman. He’s been with us a week and it has been a rather busy week. He’s been settling in quite well,learning the rules,like not biting us or trying to take over the couch. He was neutered on Monday,no problems at all. He’s been for walks along the canal,and through the overgrown fields close to home. He’s doing really well on the lead,until he meets another dog. He’s a bit too keen to make new friends,but he’s learning. He figured out how to slip his collar yesterday,the cunning brat! Luckily he’s been off the lead and is quite good at returning. We were very kindly given a harness for him today. Truman took to it straight away. We went for a fair old trek today,to the Hellfire Club and around Masseys Wood. He’s fearless! No hesitation crashing through the gorse and undergrowth,confidant leaping fallen trees and splashing across a stream.
    I think we were fortunate in finding him,his temperment is ideal,not too mental not too placid. When it comes to his exercise needs,as demanding as he is,it’s fine. I’m home during the day so he get’s a long stroll along the canal or the outskirts of this tiny village and some obediance training. When "herself" gets home he’s all set for another walk around the estate or the village. We both enjoy quieter activities like hill walking and exploring beaches,Truman seems like he’s going to enjoy them too.
    We’ve a few more pictures of him,if anyone would be kind enough to post them,we’d appreciate it.
    C and C


    Many thanks for the update on Truman. Great he has taken to the harness and enjoying his walks. If you send the photos to Kim (Animalhelper) i’m sure she would be glad to put them up for you. Unfortunately I’m hopeless at it.


    Truman out hiking !! :D


    It certainly looks as if Truman has taken to the outdoor life hiking in the Dublin mountains. Great to see this chap enjoying life at last. Many thanks for giving him safe warm home. Look forward to more photos of Truman’s adventures.


    We have had Truman three weeks now and it’s hard to believe how much he has learned and how well he has settled in. We brought him to meet my folks and their Doberman yesterday. It looked like he thought all his Christmases had come at once, being free to gallop around the house after her. Just like us they fell in love with him immediately and have even offered to dog sit if we can ever bear to be parted from him. They bought him a "virtually indestructable" chew toy as a present and as I’m typing this the clever so-and-so has figured out how to chew through it. We brought him to the beach for the first time yesterday, he wasn’t too impressed with the waves, until I took him on the lead and then he thought it was a great idea to drag me in up to my knees!!!! He was much happier galloping up and down through the sand dunes and dragging us along behind him!!


    Great news and well done – wonderful to hear how Truman is enjoying life at a long stint in the Pound. :D


    how fabulous to hear this! I just knew this guy was special. You are so so lucky to have found him!! love to see some pics. Thank you so much for giving this guy a wonderful life!! I still think of him…he really needed this break!!


    Delighted he’s so happy, I have a huge soft spot for this boy.


    Hi again from Truman’s new pack. After going to Ashton to walk a few dogs there we then brought Truman for a lovely long walk in Glendalough. He had a great time practicing recall on a long leash and showing off his agility skills. We took a few pictures and have tried to attach them here. I hope it works because he gave us some great poses.


    what stunning pics..absolutely gorgeous. He looks fabulous and healthy and happy..hope to see him at the fun day! thanks so much again for takin this guy on board and continuing to help out at the pound..


    Beautiful looking boy.

    How lucky were you C & C to have found him ! :P

    Enjoy your new life Truman..(great new name by the way).

    Caitriona. ;)

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