

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Twist-Labradoodle

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    We adopted Twist from Ashton pound, where his name was Fred! He did’t seem to recognise any name at the time and was quite thin, but now when we go hill walking he runs back to his name- Fred. He is the sweetest dog and getting quite big now, all he wants to do is fall asleep at your feet and will follow you every where around the house, he just loves company. When he first arrived at his new ‘forever’ home he was very scared and wouldn’t even run! but now one of his favorite things is chasing stones on the beach with his cocker spaniel-cross, brother Max. Max and Fed are totally inseprible they have become the best of friends and sleep side by side and are always playing together as they are still both under 1 year! Tug-of-war and chasing are particular favorites! We are so happy to have given this wonderful dog a home.


    thank you so to see some pics of him!!

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