Toto – Terrier x *HOMED*

Toto – Terrier x *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Toto – Terrier x *HOMED*

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    I am sorry that this did not work out. I know that the people involved were really keen on Toto and they did seem to have done their research and considered what was involved but sometimes until you are faced with the reality you don’t really know what it will be like.
    Like Indiana, I think it is best that this happened sooner rather than later for Toto.


    There is a difference between "settling in" and "not a good match", and unfortunately that isn’t always apparent until the situation is in play. I whole heartedly agree that it’s better to recognize an untenable situation from the start than wait until all parties are at the ends of their ropes. I’m glad the family was honest about what they thought they could reasonably cope with and took the matter in hand, and I hope this experience hasn’t turned them off the idea of giving a needy dog a good home in the future. As for Toto, he is a very adoptable dog, and we now know one of his "quirks" is he needs to go to a home with no budgies! :)


    Toto came back all sad :( I think he really enjoyed being around a family with kids to play with (clearly he was a little unsettled too). He perked up when I took him to his favourite walking spot by the canal.

    I got the tent set up today which he got very excited about and has been playing around with me all day. He is such a wonderful, affectionate little doggy.

    On other animals: when he sees BIRDS he does try and go after them (generally no barking, just pulling on the lead)-not sure whether he’s just interested or it’s aggression.
    When he sees CATS out on a walk he seems oblivious, when they walk along our garden wall he barks until they leave.
    Other DOGS out walking, he is generally fine with. Just sniffs and signs of interest. If they bark or show signs of aggression he barks too.


    I collected the little man from his forever family and to be fair the children were very upset to see Toto go & he seemed every so happy with them……its a pity it did’t work out but fingers and paws crossed that the next move for him will be forever!


    Tent play :P


    Toto needs B&B for Thursday & Friday night as his fosterer is going away. Please if you can help contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    I would love to help Kathy! He is the cutest thing. My JRT will be delighted with the company! :P


    Thanks Kathy and Linda for the B&B for Toto, he’ll love being around kids again, and it’ll be great for him to be around other dogs.

    Now we get to enjoy the Electric Picnic :D


    From Linda:

    Loving him already, he is running around playing cat and mouse with my Trixy at the moment and boy he loves his cuddles, very affectionate.. As for my other 2, Sandy is just keeping her distance and there is no issue and little Teddy doesnt know what to think.. I think he is jealous that the love of his life has found herself a new beau.. I think I might end up with a love triangle on my hands here, should be fun :lol:
    Will try get some pics up later..
    Forgot to mention, he is getting on great with the kids :)


    Just popping up a few photos of Toto, he has made himself at home :)
    Will get some more up later with the others

    Just look at that face


    Sorry for the awkward question, but how tall is Toto at the shoulder?

    DID Rescue

    Toto is the same size as a Westie.
    At a guess I would say between 9" to 10 ".
    Maybe if his new foster get a chance they can clarify this.
    Why is this important? Just interested.


    Just checked him Loinne and he is between 10 and 11 inches high


    Well, its been great having Toto around.. Trixy has loved having him here but I think poor old Teddy aka Pepper, had his nose put out of joint with jealousy. He has her back all to himself now and I think there might even be wedding bells in the air :lol:
    Toto has got on great with the kids and loves to come over and sit on your lap.. Whoever adopts him will be one lucky family.. He was nervous of my Sandy at first but after a couple of days he settled when he seen she was no threat to him.. He does seem to have a fear of big dogs and will bark at them, but hey which one of us is perfect.. Im sure that it is something that can be worked on..
    My Trixy still sits at the window on the back of the couch on guard and she starts off a chorus of barks with Teddy when she sees another dog outside…Sometimes Sandy joins in but I dont love them any less..
    After having Toto stay with us, Im sure he is going to find a loving family to care for him as he has so much to give back, he really is a special little guy.. Here is a few pics of him with my gang..



    You can see why Teddy would be jealous :)

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