Toddy – Border Collie *HOMED*

Toddy – Border Collie *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Toddy – Border Collie *HOMED*

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    Well its not dull with this guy around…..another Toddy Tale for you all to enjoy….I had a long day and ordered chipper….did the ususal ate the chips first and then full so went back into the kitchen and left the burger on the counter…..went back in to relax….couple of minutes later…Toddy comes around from the kitchen with the burger in his mouth and dropped it at my feet as if to say you ordered it now eat it………my pair looked on in disbelief coz they couldn’t work out why he didn’t eat it …..I think Toddy has been here before as he knows when to do something funny to cheer me up and knows to nag me to eat….(I didn’t eat the burger ….they all got some of the meat as reward) Some lucky family will never regret adopting this guy! he is so entertaining and loving at the same time ….an all round perfect pooch!


    I think I could write a book on this boy… chapter in Toddy’s Tale!
    Went to the beach this evening and as soon as I hit strand road the excitment was building in the back ….pulled into the car park and looked in the rear view mirror only to see Toddy squeezing himself throught the dog guard in the back of the jeep…and a second later he was on the back seat and paws on the door head out the window about to leap thankfully my reaction time was quicker than him and I got the windows up enough for him not to do a re-enactment from the movie "Harley & Me"…
    He had a ball on the beach and loves chasing my pair through the water…..he was great off the lead till 3 mature ladies walked toward us, He and Rossi took off in their direction at the speed of light and all I could do was to scream they were friendly but were bound to jump up …..and they did repeatly. I started to run the opposite direction to try and distract them to follow me and also because I was mortified :oops: :oops: :oops:
    Anyway they came to me quick enough and it was back on the lead for them all…..another colourful day in the land of Todd!


    I just love reading your updates, but I’m exhausted!! How do you keep going – You must be running on Duracell Batteries. Toddy sounds fantastic and he’s having a wonderful time with Rossi and Tess, yet again they are teaching a ‘Foster buddy’ the joys of being a loved dog.

    I’ll try to be patient as I wait for your next (hectic) installment!


    Well next chapter in "Toddy’s Tale" ….he did me so proud this evening came along and did a home visit with a lovely family ….don’t think they were expecting a medium size dog but he was very calm and gentle and won them over … but he was lucky to make the visit at all as he has a new trick to add to his bag….canine fly catcher and I have to admit he is very good at it ….except when the door is closed and he forgot and nearly knocked himself out jumping up after one in a competition between him and Tess….just goes to show the lenghts he will go to impressing a lady….but he is made of hard stuff or at least his head is thankfully!


    Todd is gorgeous! He looks like a dog who should be on the stage performing great feats. I love his colouring. And what diligence to do a home visit!

    DID Rescue

    Well done Audrey he seems to be a total hoot.
    I love his story about the burger………….how smart is that.
    Of course the collie always shines out, such smart people.
    He is really having a great time with Rossie and Tess.
    He looks quite proud of himself sitting pretty for the beach photo.
    Someone will be very lucky to adopt this boy.
    This is why fostering is so important for these guys and gals, it really gives them a chance to grow into the dog they should have been given half a chance.
    Also they learn so quickly how to be a dog from the existing dog/dogs in the homes.
    Its great to read the updates and see their progress.
    This is one of the many ways DID are so different from ALL other rescues.
    Well done Toddy and to Rossi and Tess for helping you along the way,
    and of course Audrey your chauffer and chef. ;)


    The next chapter in Toddy’s Tale …..he was a participant at the Tellington Touch Course today and he was surprisingly calm and that was before we even started ….he let me, his Aunties Kathy and Sarah used him as a guinea pig and even the course instructor Mickey & assistant Theadora put their hands all over him ….I was so proud at how calm he stayed the whole day…..and didn’t even do any marking not once so he must be feeling more confident from within! He was so relaxed with the thearpy that he even managed to fall asleep at one stage…..until one of the other doggies got a hold of their own squeeky ball and he woke with a terrible fright shaking for a couple of seconds but with the Tellington Touch he settle straight away! we both had a great relaxing day.


    The next chapter in Tody’s Tale is that he meet a wonderful family this morning who were impressed with his skills….sit, stay, down, wait and his cutest trick is when he is lying down and you say up close to him "Hide" he brings his paws over his face ….adorable! He didn’t do any marking in their house which I was delighted with which means he is growing in confidence….he was doing his proud stance while we were talking about him in front of him ….and he soooooo knew we were! Then this evening we got the call to say that they would love to adopt my little character….that sort of call will never cease to amaze me that as a foster mum you go for delight and excitment to feeling so sad all in the space of mere seconds….so only a little window of time left to write a couple more chapters ….this evening we went up to Kim and he got his second vacination so he is all set to go…he didn’t even flinch such a good boy!….Then we went driving to one of our favourite places for a last walk ….tears streaming down my face but they were tears of happiness..well most of them were….got back into the jeep and Toddy nearly went through the window ….I got such a fright he was so aggrivated….I couldn’t work out what it was and he was spooking Rossi and Tess too…..then I spotted the source of the annoyance …..A Black Cat….so thats another box ticked ….can safely say that they are not on Toddy’s list of signed copies of Toddy’s Tale when it goes to print…right off to spoil my terrific Toddy on our last night together! :( :) :( :)


    Well Toddy went to his new home yesterday morning and had a great first day …..I was so sad to leave him but I know he will be so well looked after and probably spoilt…..He was out for 4 walks plus constant playing in their garden! He was so receptive to pleasing his new family that he even learned a new command to sit went he approaches a path curb. He was exhausted and asleep by 9:45pm and had a very good night …bit tired this morning but thats probably because he has only been used to impressing me, he has 5 in his new family to be showing off to ….anyone would be exhausted! I hope that his new famiy post up some of his new chapters as Im sure going to miss seeing his little funny actions!


    Ah delighted to see that Toddy has settled into his new home…he was such a pet at the TTouch course and deserves a lovely forever home.

    Well done on getting him there Audrey and hope you don’t miss him too much


    :D Hey there everyone, Toddy here. I just move in to my new home and love my new family. I am getting loads of love and cuddles, but I do wonder where my foster mummy went and where Rossi and Tess are. I tried to find them in the trees. There are lots of trees around my new garden, I do love exploring them. I do know there are other dogs living in the gardens round mine, I can hear them but they don’t bother me. Maybe I might get to meet them real soon and we can become friends!
    I was such a good dog for my new family on my 1st day that they bought me a new squeeky toy. I had so much with it for about 40mins, when I got so excited with it, I bit a hole in it and squeek was dead! Sure I had no use for it then.LOL!
    I hear the back door open now so I got to go for my night pee coz its bedtime. Night Night

    Luv Toddy xxx
    2nd aug 10 1.jpg
    2nd aug 10 2.jpg


    Oh I knew you were a clever boy Toddy but had I had known you could use a keyboard I would have let you use mine while you were staying with Rossi, Tess and myself here….you could have shown them how to type…..Just so you know we are not that far from you and maybe we could organise a play date on the beach next week sometime …you will always be welcome to come visit us here anytime….keep up the good behaviour and of course the keyboard skills as then we can stay in touch ….love from Rossi who is asleep infornt of the telly …and Tess who is in the dog house as she was missing you and bored and just ate through the brand new huge floor rug that we had so much fun with the day we rolled it out and shredded the inner tube….cardboard confetti everywhere! Snuggles from me wish you were here right now to catch my tears as they fall with your little kisses….Luv Always your foster Mum! xoxox


    He is a fab looking dog :) those new pics show off all his beauty :) lucky new owners :)


    It’s great to see Toddy looking so happy.

    Many thanks to Audrey, Rossi & Tess who have worked their magic again… They taught Toddy how to be a confident, happy, loving dog by showering him with love and kindness – in exactly the same way that they gave those gifts to Oscar.

    Audrey – take a bow


    Well done to Audrey, Rossi & Tess – you did a super job with Toddy! Have very much enjoyed reading about his exploits over the past few weeks and it looks like he’s settled well in his forever home.

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