Toby – Collie x

Toby – Collie x

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Toby – Collie x

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  • #76316

    Name: Toby (Real Name)

    Reference Number: 16

    Sex: Male

    Age: 1 year old

    Located: Ashton Pound


    Date Out: NOW


    This little fella is lovely i saw him yesterday in the pound he looks much bigger in his photo.. He has a very pretty face!!


    If someone is up in the pound can they try the name Judge with this boy, he has the markings and breed of a dog I last saw as a pup a little over a year ago

    It might be worth a shot, I’d have contact details of his family


    Sadly Toby was surrendered in by his "family" . :(


    Okay, it was worth a try


    Toby came for a walk with me today. He sat patiently for his lead – he is very sociable and good on the lead. Toby is very stressed in the Pound but greatly enjoys his walks.


    Toby is out and safe in fostercare.


    Jimmy took Toby home with him on Sunday from the pound and he’s getting on grand. He settled in straight away and is such a lovely little fella and just loves a good old belly rub! Can’t understand why his family would surrender him. He did bark abit last night when we put him to bed but stoppped when we ignored him long enough. He’s a little nervous especially with Kas but she does have that affect on some dogs! When she wants to play with him he wants to play too but then gets a little terrified but I’m sure in a couple of days they’ll be playing fine together!


    Thanks for the update and for taking this chap into foster – he was very stressed in the Pound.


    Tobys doing great and him and Kas are the best of friends! He didn’t know what to make of the snow and was running around trying to eat it as it was falling. When he’s out on his walks everybody loves him and gives him loads of attention, those cute big ears of his attract alot of admirers. He’s such a lovely dog and loves to lick your face loads. He’s really quiet and really well behaved. We have him booked in to get neutered tomorrow poor fella, hope he’s ok. Here’s some pics of him


    What a lovely looking boy – looks really gorgeous in his new photos in the snow. So glad he got out and is in foster – thank you so much. Lets hope he gets a nice new home of his own soon.


    Thank you for the update and great photos. Hope Toby is feeling OK after his op. :o


    Toby went to his new home this evening so the house seems all quiet tonight and we’ve no one to snuggle up to us on the couch and lick our face, but he went to a lovely home and we know they’ll love him just as much as we did and probably more! I wish them good luck and they have themselves a lovely little boy!


    Hi all
    Just to let you know that Toby is settling into his new home very well and getting on like a house on fire with our elderly Dalmation, Candy.
    We’ve had him out for several walks and reckon that he’ll be a great water dog since he’s been down the slip at Clontarf yacht Club a few times, bit cold yet but spring is on the way. He is full of the joys of life and a complete gentleman. Many thanks to Jimmy and Martina for looking after him and to Curly for all her work.
    Dave, Lucy & Chloe
    (Hope these pics work out, first time I’ve done this!) … CF1125.jpg … CF1143.jpg


    Hi Guys

    Thanks again for the update and pictures, he looks very happy! Glad he’s getting on well with Candy and we hope to see you’s around St. Annes park at some stage!

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