Tiny – Jack Russell Terrier *HOMED*

Tiny – Jack Russell Terrier *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Tiny – Jack Russell Terrier *HOMED*

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    Tiny’s healing up well after his op and he’s enjoying going for walks again! Still nothing too strenuous but he’s loving it. He’s spending more time out of the crate now. The door is open on it all day but he was spending quite a bit of time in there after his operation so it’s a sure sign he’s feeling better when he wants to be out on the deck grabbing the bits of sun as we get them :lol: He’s found a prime spying spot on a big wooden chair we have on the deck just under the kitchen window. He climbs up there and has a look in (mostly at chow time :lol: ). Every time I go to take a photo of it he disappears :lol:
    Boy can he jump for a little dude! He must have a spring in those legs! I was calling him Go Go Gadget over the weekend :lol: That’s his new nickname :lol:
    He’s in great form and the only time we hear him bark is if we go out the front door without him ;)
    He and Bailey are getting on great. They had a "moment" the other morning when Bailey had to tell him that it’s bad manners to try eat from both breakfast bowls but they recovered from that domestic quick enough :lol:


    How is GoGo Gadget doing these days?????


    Go Go Gadget is getting on great :lol: He’s still using his super powers to jump up to the door handles and windows :lol: Stitches are out and cone is off and he’s mad!!! He runs so fast. Even in the house he’s hard to catch. It goes something like kitchen, sitting room, hall, upstairs, downstairs, sitting room, kitchen (where he normally gets caught!) all in about 20 seconds :lol:
    He refuses to "sit" at all and just looks at me like I’m daft when I ask him to! Treats don’t work on this fella. He has a mind of his own but he’s good as gold :D


    Hmmm I wonder if Dad will notice his socks are missing ..

    I love you man .. (Tiny’s little buddy is Simba (previously Alfie) another DID success story :D )

    Tiny with his other buddy. My 3 year old daughter :D


    Tiny’s still getting on great. He’s wired though! He never stops moving :lol: Although as I write this he’s fast asleep in his crate. He’s been playing hard all morning so it’s nap time for him. He’s all worn out :lol:


    Yay my little man is finally recognising his name! He came for the first time ever this morning when I called Tiny. It only took 3 weeks :lol:
    He’s a little smasher and he’s sleeping, eating & drinking great, getting on with all dogs big or small and is calming down around the kids. He’s great with the kids as I’ve said before.
    He’s even letting Bailey into his one-dog gang now :lol:


    We have a full house atm with dogs and Tiny is loving it. He’s picked the biggest one to be his buddy out in the garden and there’s no fear on him at all. He plays with the best of them :D
    He was a little sick last night and he’s just resting up today but he’s in very good form.
    He’s still doing really well on the lead but still not "sitting" for me at all. He looks at me like I’m an eejit when I say it! Apart from the bad manners he’s a great little thing though.
    Hoping someone falls in love with him soon cos he really needs a home of his own to chill in :)


    Tiny is doing really well. He’s really sociable and loves going for walks. He has a serious jump on him when he wants to say hello :lol:
    He still loves his crate and I think he secretly looks forward to bed time every evening :D


    This little guy is doing really well. He’s out the back garden sunbathing on his bed right now and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so calm :lol: I need to go out the back but don’t wanna disturb him & whatever he’s dreaming about ;)
    He gets on really well with other dogs. There have been a few dogs in and out of here during his time with us and he’s just gotten on with it. He wants to play and that’s it :D
    He’s still a bit too playful around the kids at times. He has quite a high jump for a little lad and I don’t think he even realises it :D
    He and my mother in laws dog get on like a house on fire. He needs at least a once a week playdate with him :lol:
    Can’t believe he’s still in foster with us to be honest :( He’s such a great little doggy :)

    DID Rescue

    777 views and no home for this little person.
    I dont get it, lots of updates and loads of info ………what do people want………….I can’t understand this at all.
    Small dog etc….. when we have no small dogs everyone wants one and when we have them nobody wants them. :cry:


    I have had the pleasure of this little pet staying for a few days b&b and have to agree in wondering how he hasn’t been snapped up yet. He is just a fantastic little dog. He settled into my house almost immediately and has been as good as gold the whole time. He has become great friends with Lola who would play with him all day and he just potters around Toby, my older dog who isn’t really into playing as much…

    He is so gentle and affectionate and friendly and has the lovliest markings and the shiniest coat…overall just a real little star. He is heading back to his foster family today and I know we will all miss him a lot.


    well we are sure looking forward to meeting this little guy tomorrow..he sounds like a little gem.. ;) will keep posted on his progress and get some new photos up soon :)


    Thanks a million to Tracey and her family for taking this little man into foster at such short notice ;)


    Well I had an extra couple of days with the wonderful Tiny and had great fun with him as did Lola. He now sits when asked before he gets a treat and is a well behaved little man. Tiny went off with Tracey this morning and I have a feeling he will have a wonderful time there. I look forward to some updates and new photo’s of him.

    In the meantime, I tried so hard to get some pics of him when he was with me but he was always moving and playing chase with Lola so it wasn’t the easiest thing to do, this is the best I could do…apologies as the quality of the photo isn’t great


    Well we have this gorgeous little chappy since this morning :D
    What a bundle of fun he is!! He is settling in well,has had food and water and is now having a well deserved nap :)
    He is great with other dogs and he loves kids ;)

    We are delighted to have have this little character staying with us and we wish him the best of luck in finding his forever home ;)
    It will be a lucky family who decide to adopt this hansom little fella!!
    Will hopefully get some new photos up later :)

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