Tilly – Chihuahua x Terrier

Tilly – Chihuahua x Terrier

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Tilly – Chihuahua x Terrier

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    Poor little dote, I think it looks worse than it is. Mine hated the lampshade collar most, the stitches didn’t phase her one bit.


    :) How is Tilly getting along after her surgery and dentistry? ‘Attacked’ at both ends but best to get it all out of the way in one go. How old is she?


    Tillys foster family are going away on Friday so she needs urgent foster. If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    Tiny Tilly needs urgent foster as she has taken a dislike to her foster families dog. If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    This is sorted now thanks to Verona :D Thanks to Louisa and Stephen for doing the transport ;)


    I have had this teeny tiny lady for just one day and night as her fosterer Verona had to head away and all I can say is that looking from the first posts that were put up this lady has really come on leaps and bounds and she has showed not one ounce of fear since arriving her yesterday. She was great in the car on our way home and just sat on the seat and fell asleep. When we got back she made herself right at home. She never even cowered when I went to pet her and she just followed me around and sat on my foot whenever I stopped to do something. When I took out the lead to bring to bring her for a walk she was so excited and started jumping around with excitement.
    Last night she just jumped up on my lap and fell asleep then went to her bed after a while and that was her for the night. She really is a little dote, no trouble at all. I did not hear a peep out of her all night, not even sure she got up. I went down this morning at 8am to let her out in case she needed the toilet. She got out of the bed, came over for a quick sleepy hello and then went back to bed as if to say, do you not know what time it is lol
    really hope she finds her forever home as she had loads of love to give.


    Well little Tilly has been with us for a few weeks now and she is an absolute delight to have around the house! She was a little bit nervous for the first day and waited around the door and looked out the window for a few hours searching for her fostermammy Verona after she had left but eventually settled down on the sofa beside me. We had one accident on the first night partly due to her being a little bit anxious id say but she has been brilliant since.

    She loves lounging on the sofas infront of the fire in the evening, then bedtime comes when she gets picked up and carried to her bed for the night, she sleeps for hours and when you get up to let her out to the loo in the morning she plods off straight back to bed for another 3 hours! Once shes awake shes a bundle of energy, she has about 6 favourite toys now and spends hours hiding them and running around like a looper in and out of the back garden and up and down the stairs all day.

    Shes loving her big daily walk on the beach and is very well behaved on the most part, we did have a bit of a mishap on easter sunday where she snapped at a man who tried to pet her but i think she was quite anxious as the beach was very busy that day with lots of people walking the dogs and the mans dog was trying to play with her which she seemed to be intimidated by, but other then that shes been a joy to walk and is much faster and fitter then we expected so hopefully it will rub off on the humans after a few months of walking!

    She is such a pet and loves to be cuddled and have her belly rubbed and the minute you sit down she loves to jump up and sit with you, but if you sit down to eat food she is very good and she’l just sit in her bed or on another chair and wait till your finished and then jump up for a cuddle, im trying to get pics up right now but not sure its happending so il try again tomorow.

    We just wanted to say thanks a million to everyone at DID for helping little Tilly and keeping her safe, and thanks a million to Verona for the great job she did with her and also driving all the way out to the sticks to us to bring her to her new home, thanks again aswell to Anne for the quick response in doing our home visit and recommending us for Tillys new family, shes a pleasure to have in the home and we’re looking forward to spoiling her rotten for many years to come :D

    Im hoping that if you put this address into the internet toolbar it will be bring you to an album of pics ;)


    Am so glad she has settled in so well. She’s such a little sweeyheart and just needed someone to love her

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