Tilly – Chihuahua x Terrier

Tilly – Chihuahua x Terrier

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Tilly – Chihuahua x Terrier

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    This little woman went into foster today, she is very scared after being found abandoned on the back of a bus. :(


    Very small dog, lovely little thing in need of some tlc. I took her out for a walk, like the rest we broght she was great on the lead. Obviously a little shaken from arriving in a pound.


    This little lady is staying with my mam. Shee’s a lovely little thing. She’s very timid and is not too fond of hands coming out of nowhere but loves a pet and cuddle once she sees what you’re doing. For that reason maybe a house with no young kids would suit her best.

    She is very quiet in the house and there’s been no problems with other dogs. She was obviously someone’s pet at some stage – she likes sitting on your feet and loves a good fry!

    Anything in there for me???

    Sitting on my mam’s foot

    Sitting on the stairs soaking up the sun


    Is this lil thing looking foster that ya called me about?


    My name is Ann we are a family of 3 adults, we would love to offer Tilly a good home. We have a cavalier Oscar male aged 6 he is a lovely gentle dog with no problems with other dogs. I have submitted adoption forms and I feel Tilly would fit into our home.


    Delighted to see this little girl go into foster. I had her out for a short walk on Sunday. She was so lovely and well mannered.


    Little Tilly is getting on great. She’s a lovely little thing and loves nothing better than a cuddle and a sleep. She had claimed the baby bouncer as her seat but we’ve convinced her the Rogz bed is nicer!! She’s so small she doesn’t even fill half of the smallest Rogz bed!!

    Poor little pet has obviously been through some trauma in her past. She’s afraid of the back garden and doesnt like going out on her own although if she sees a lead and a jacket going on she’s out to the front door and mad excited!!

    She also doesnt like being picked up sometimes. If she feels cornered or taken by surprise she will snap. She’s never tried to make contact – it’s very much a ‘leave me alone’ warning snap. Having said that if you give her warning she loves being picked up for a cuddle and a rub. She’ll pop up on the sofa beside you for a pet too!!

    She’s been fine with other dogs and everyone she meets. She’s not bothered by baby noises and is great with strangers. She hasnt been used to kids between 1 and 10 so I’m not sure how comfortable she’d be with rough play but at a guess I’d say that wouldnt be the home for her.

    Anyone with older children or an adult household would be perfect and she’ll give you so much love and fun in return!!


    how is tilly getting on? we had our home visit tonight and she’s on our list of dogs to meet… she looks so sweet and tiny! ya can’t help wanting to give her a cuddle!


    suzi says we’ve passed our home visit with flying colours! we heard tilly wasn’t feeling great so hopefully she’s on the mend…we’d love to come and meet her as soon as her foster mom has time…



    Hi Amy – Tilly is in foster with my mam in Dunshaughlin. Do you want to PM me and we can arrange for you to call out and meet her??

    She’s a lovely little thing. I had my 4 dogs up there at the weekend. Her and Petal had a standoff about who was going to be ‘Top Bitch’ but she quickly realised that she was outnumbered and wisely accepted her place!! After that they all got on great and she even tried to play with Petal and Molly afterwards


    Hi Sue,

    Im technically incompetant and have sent you 2 PMs that haven’t gone thru… Saturday morning at 10 would be great if that suits your mam. Just need the address and we can google-map the directions.





    is Tilly still available? We have a 2year old Yorkie called Tilly already so that might get confusing!

    Have just email in my forms, thanks.



    Tilly is still in foster and doing great. She has discovered a love of toys now and will happily play with a ball or rope toy for ages!

    She’s very affectionate towards us now once she got comfortable with us all. She loves seeing us come in the door and gets so excited to see us!!

    She’s a tiny little thing and sometimes you have to watch your feet when you’re walking – she’s so small you could miss her!


    Our Tilly is tiny as well, a mini Yorkie so we are well used to watching where we walk!


    Well poor miss Tilly was spayed today. Poor little miss is feeling quite sorry for herself and I don’t blame her!! She also had a couple of bad teeth removed :cry: :cry: She’s sleeping it off now so hopefully will be feeling better tomorrow

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