Tibi (Erin) terrier x 6 mths old update

Tibi (Erin) terrier x 6 mths old update

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Tibi (Erin) terrier x 6 mths old update

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    Erin loves to play


    Here she is from last week asleep with Errol and Duchess


    Adorable! :D


    Well this little sweetheart was vaxed and chipped today and NEVER MADE A SOUND – she was so brave!! She is now parading around here in her new pink collar with her microchip tag on and I have never seen a little dog so proud. Kathy and Kim couldn’t believe how tiny these two are – they are really dinky. :lol:


    Just to update on this little pet. Erin continues to thrive but I don’t think she has grown a millimetre since she came!! She has gained half a kilo but that’s about it. I really can’t believe that she hasn’t been snapped up yet – she is an absolute little dote. She is very intelligent and affectionate and wanders around in a very calm way exploring everything. She loves her cuddles and kisses and ADORES her big brother Sam in particular ( I think the feeling is mutual!!!). Here are a few recent photos of this little angel.


    Here I am asleep with my little bro


    They are so adorable – They seem really attached to each other and would be great company if homed together :)


    Well tonight a lovely couple, Elizabeth and Morgan arrived to take Erin and Errol to their forever home! I couldn’t believe that they would be homed together and I am unbelievably happy that they are. Erin left snuggled up on Elizabeth’s shoulder and Errol biting away at Morgan’s chin – start as you mean to go on!!!! I am so happy that they are being homed together – I don’t know how they would have coped if they were separated at this stage. Be happy, my little angels!!!


    That’s so great that they have gone together – having also recently adopted a brother and sister (albeit a little bit older!), it’s amazing the close bond they have and great companionship. Be happy little ones! :D


    great news lots of fun ahead :D :D


    Erin and Errols mum has been on to say that they are cannot believe how adorable these little guys are we are so lucky and completely smitten. Erin and Errol are settling in well. They slept so soundly last night that at 5 am I had to have a little peep in on them and they were fast asleep and had used the paper during the night. I took some pics last night which I’ve attached and this morning. Erin seems so much quieter than Errol but she is the boss as I have been watching them all day and she is the leader of their little pack! They are currently chewing on their little chew bones ready to snooze. Re toilet training in the kitchen they are so well behaved but the sitting room is a different story they are peeing everywhere but the paper!! but I’m sure it will not be long before we have them as good in the sitting room as they are in the kitchen. Erin is now Tibi and Errol well we have yet to find the perfect name for this little rascal we had thought Toby but he is such a rascal that Toby just is not right. I will be adding some pics to the happy endings section later today. Their foster family were so welcoming and are a lovely family Erin and Errol were spoilt rotten by them all. Thank you and DID so much for giving us our newest family members we adore them. Casper our cat has not come around yet but we are working on it and hopefully we will be able to have them all together in the same room soon. I will keep updating DID on these wonderful rascals.



    I’m so happy that Tibi and Errol(?) have settled in so well… but why wouldn’t they??? They have arrived in Doggie-Heaven: a Dog Walkers Paradise with river walks on the doorstep, my dogs would love to go there on holidays!!!

    Best wishes to Elizabeth & Morgan and of course Casper.
    Have fun!!


    Just an update on the dynamic duo. Errol is now Rocky! Both Tibi and Rocky had their first visit to our vets yesterday. They both got their second vaccinations, nails clipped and weighed. Tibi is now nearly 1/2 kg heavier than Rocky!! She was a sweetheart with the vet giving her lots of kisses despite the needle. Rocky was a bit more vocal in his dislike he did not appreciate his nails being clipped!! but soon was giving her lots of kisses!! They had their first big walk this morning by the river we had great fun!! They are currently snuggled up on their bed snoozing happily. I will be adding some super cute snaps on the website tomorrow. Once again thank you and all the amazing DID volunteers for giving us our little rascals we adore them.


    Just a quick up-date on the dynamic duo that are Tibi and Rocky. We’ve only had these guys a month now yet we cannot imagine life without these two little rascals!! Tibi is such a sweetheart she loves cuddles and her bed and Rocky is so active and such a character he does not walk he struts and loves to try and boss bigger dogs about he nips them from behind and disappears!! We’d like to wish everyone at DID a very happy xmas and a prosperous new year and to thank everyone at DID for giving us the best gift ever. A special thanks to Audrey, Angela and her lovely daughter Niamh and their amazing dogs Oscar and Max and to the wonderful and so welcoming Colgan family and especially their super friendly four-legged family members.


    Hi all,
    Just a quick update on the beautiful Tibi formerly Erin she has been with us over 3 1/2 mths now. She is the sweetest girl so loving and affectionate she would cuddle and give kisses all day long!! She is so much bigger then her brother and is still the leader of their little pack!! Relations with Casper the cat are great both Tibi and Rocky remain fascinated by him and watch his every move where ever he goes they try to follow!!(failed to master tree climbing to date which is a great annoyance to them) Casper being a cat takes great pleasure in looking down on them from the tree in our garden!!! Once again we would like to say a big THANK YOU to all in DID for homing Tibi with us and for the amazing work that you all do!

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