Tess – Terrier x *HOMED*

Tess – Terrier x *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Tess – Terrier x *HOMED*

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    Tess is on the mend so ….count down to the stitches coming out!


    Well the lovely Tess (Rudi) got her stitches our yesterday and finally lost the ‘cone of shame’, but unfortunately she has picked up some sort of tummy infection, so is on antibiotics for the next 6 days. However,this is not holding her back at all! she still has a very healthy appetite, but is on a restricted diet for next few days. :x
    As soon as the stitches came out yesterday, we took the 3 of them to the lakes, where i am very pleased to report, Tess has now learned to swim and retrieve sticks just like her brother and sister!(however, her sticks are only a couple of inches long and only get thrown about 4 feet) She just loves being able to do what the other doggies do, and still drags back in the sticks that Lily gets bored with near the waters edge for us adults so we dont have to get our feet wet. She even does this on command!!!!! She is hilarious, great fun to have around and soooo affectionate…….she licked the face off the vet yesterday even though she wasnt being that ‘kind’ to her!!!!! :D. A really great little dog, full of mischief and fun.


    p.s. the vet thinks she is a chihuahuah/ Jack Russell Terrier cross. She has such a tiny pixie face.


    :D So happy your surgery bit is done and dusted, just need to lose the digestive upset now and its all go. You must be enjoying swimming now and fetching sticks :P what a busy girl you are! Pretty, gorgeous and fabby, you are grand. :D


    :) How are you getting along little Miss Tess? Lovely little dog, stick fetcher, swimmer, ‘hot water bottle’ dog, companion, comic and all round splendid little thing. Wish I had the room to squeeze in a little one. Keep up the adventures.


    Hi Indianna, thanks for all your interest in Tess, she totally deserves it! I just sent a few photos of her at the lakes earlier this evening to Kathy, as i’m and idiot and dont know how to upload them :D . So keep watching this space……..X. Have to say she is seriously worming her way into all our hearts……… as I said, watch this space! :lol:


    Pictures of this little fairy :D
    oct pups 553.jpg
    oct pups 554.jpg
    oct pups 555.jpg


    :o Oh, my goodness. Look at you – swimming!!! Good girl.

    You are right I am very interested in this little dog but not in a position to do anything about it just now. I will continue watching the ‘space’ and have everything crossed for whatever may be. Keep up the very good work, I am most impressed. :) That comment is to the foster family and Tess. ;)


    Such a cutie!!
    Cant believe Tess hasnt been snapped up yet :cry:

    Im nearly tempted myself….. :lol:


    :) I am with you Curly. Its amazing that she is still waiting for her very own home. If I was in a position to do so I honestly would offer her a home with us but I really, really can’t at the moment. :( I don’t want anything to happen to my oldies but the reality is they are 12 years old, on permanent treatment for liver disease and am delighted to say, so far both doing very well indeed ;) . If and when they are no more :cry: then I would have room for a ‘little one’ and Tess would fit the bill perfectly. Just can’t right now. Makes me sad because she is a little beauty, very like the Nells bells actually. Anyway, I will continue to follow her and hope the perfect home turns up soon. She is having a ball and that is all that really matters in her little world.
    PS Our lot sleep on beds (human) so that wouldn’t be a problem!!! :lol:


    Hi Curly & Indianna. I can’t believe that Tess is still with us either, can’t believe my luck that is!!! :lol:

    Little Tess (Rudi) is not quite as little as she was when she first came to us. She has gone from 4.5 kg to 5kg (don’t tell her, don’t want the little minx to start watching her weight!) She is also a lot more lively, and for that reason I think she would be happiest in a home with another dog (not too old)…. she swings out of poor Lily 24/7! Lily doesn’t mind 23/7 but gets annoyed with her sometimes… thats when Rudi backs off and knows its time to recharge the batteries for the next assault!!! :o


    I just love her antics….a huge character packed into a little Tess!


    :) Little Tess, how are you today? Did your foster person get you goggles for swimming? I have ‘doggles’ at home if you need them, just let me know. Are you still in charge of your sleeping arrangements? Are you happy to share with your foster person, or would you prefer a bed (and room) of your own, especially being such a sporty girl, you will need a decent night’s sleep. Please let us know how you are doing but only if you person isn’t too busy to help you with the typing.


    Hi Indianna, I am still swimming away almost every day. I dont want to wear goggles cos thats not what my sister and brother do! :lol:
    I was a bold girl yesterday, I did a little home decorating. I didnt like the carpet on the landing and didnt think anyone else did either so I worked at it for ages and got some of it up! :D My foster person didnt seem to mind tooo much, said something about it needing replacing anyway. So glad to be of help!
    Must be doing something right though cos I heard my foster people talking about adopting me! ;) hope it doesnt hurt!!!!! :D

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