Ted aka Gypsy – Terrier x *Reserved*

Ted aka Gypsy – Terrier x *Reserved*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Ted aka Gypsy – Terrier x *Reserved*

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    Could Gypsy be sent to a rescue centre in the U.K. then we could give her a loving forever home.


    Such a lovely dog hope someone comes forward before it is too late.


    Could Gypsy be sent to a rescue centre in the U.K. then we could give her a loving forever home.[/quote:2zj8ta7k]

    Even if a centre in the UK would take, she would still need a foster home here until she is fit to travel


    Any update on the lovely Gypsy yet.



    I am posting this on behalf of Anna who is currently fostering Gypsy..now Ted!. She has some great photos..need to figure out how to include them…

    Hi my name is Anna Forsyth and Ted (Gypsy) is in foster care with me…. I have just fallen in love with Ted and wish I could keep him but travel commitments are on there way and unfortunately they mean I cant keep Ted.

    1. What is the dogs’ general demeanour?
    Ted is just one great boy! He was very nervous the first day on arrival to our home but when he realised that we were there to love him he just came right out of his shell! He is so quick to learn! He now fetches and walks on the lead no bother! He would even make a good guard dog. He is so much fun and just wants attention and support. I would keep him myself but my partner and me are thinking of working abroad for a while and don’t want to get anymore attached then we already are! I would really want to see him going to a family or someone with land. He has lots of energy and is very intrigued on whats going on around him.
    2. Does your foster dog like any of the following?
    Ted loves cuddles, being brushed, walks and catching sticks!

    3. On a lead, does the dog:
    At first he was bad on the lead now he is very good. I go jogging everyday for two miles and he comes with me. I lead him all the way. He sometimes spooks at the fast cars but hey so do I ….
    4. Does the dog have any interest in toys?
    He loves balls anything you give him that he can chew! So be careful of your shoes! But hey he is only 6-8 months old so I presume he is just teething!

    Does he/she have a favourite toy? Anything that is Rubber and soft.

    How does he/she react when you take the toy away?
    Just jumps up on you till you though it for him to fetch!

    Will he/she share toys and play with another dog? As far as I know he is very good with other dogs. I bring him to the beach sometimes and he just loves playing with the other dogs!

    5. Does he/she like treats and if so, is there a favourite? ___yes Ted loves his treats. Doggy biscuits!

    6. Interaction with other dogs
    Loves to play
    Happy on his/her own

    7. Food

    What kind of food is the dog used to? _Well I try to give him everything . Meat Scraps, Nuts, Fish. He loves Anything.

    Are there any signs of food guarding? _No.

    Will he/she eat happily or need encouragement? ___Yes he eats fine takes his time.

    Will he/she share a food bowl? __Don’t know yet but I would say so.

    How many times a day is he/she fed?__Twice.

    What extras is he/she used to e.g. chicken, mince, cheese etc


    If dry food, is it dampened of just dry?__Dampened.
    8. How does the dog react to the following?

    Children____Good_but tends to jump up on people but if you tell him to stop he does.

    Cats___Don’t know.


    Visitors___Very good loves seeing nice people!

    Car Journeys he is good but some times you have to lift him in the car.

    New dogs you meet__Great !

    Livestock__Seems to be fine with the cattle in the field next door.

    9. Is the dog house trained?
    Learning at the moment. He is a very fast learner so I would say he will be no problem once he is spade which he is having done in the next few weeks.


    can you please tell me how I can upload pictures??



    To upload pictures, you need to open an account on http://www.photobucket.com.

    Upload the pictures into photobucket first, resize them in the edit page to medium sizes then save a copy. Hit the direct link under the resized photo then copy the direct link and paste it in between the brackets that appear when you hit the ‘Img’ button above your post.


    if you upload them onto photobucket.com and the copy the URL code and just paste it into you post it will come up.


    I am posting these pictures of Ted on Anna’s behalf, look how cute he is, that first picture of him really did not do him justice.



    He looks so great. I think the main site should be updated with these photos so that Gypsy/Ted has a better chance of finding a forever home..



    It is so nice photos and update :) thanks ;)


    Hi, We’re hoping to request a home check very soon.

    This little fella is beautiful.
    Has he been re-homed yet?

    DID Rescue

    This fab boy is in his new home, adored. loved and cuddled.
    I met him today and he looks fab and really happy with his new Mum and Dad. We will have new photos soon. A very cherished and well loved boy and more importantly proud parents of this handsom boy


    Ted now Max! :D

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