Tanner – Black Labrador x – HOMED

Tanner – Black Labrador x – HOMED

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    Tanners new family met him today and it was love at first sight :D He will be heading off next week to live by the sea. I am so happy for this fab guy, (he is one of my favourites – aren’t they all) :D :D


    He is just such a gorgeous and affectionate doggy. Can’t wait to bring him home. Alison has done a wonderful job taking care of him. He is clearly a happy confident dog since he’s been with her. I’ll keep the thread going after he joins the family to show how he’s getting on :)


    So an update on Tanner. He was collected from Alison’s house yesterday morning by Sarah. I have to say, Alison has done such a wonderful job with Tanner. He is so healthy and so happy from all the care she has given him, and she was so helpful whenever I had any queries.
    Sarah arrived on in her fine big van and gave me loads of helpful info. Sarah asked if we had a name picked for him, and I thought he might get confused if I changed his name but she reassured us he wouldn’t and it might be like, fresh name, fresh start :) So my teenage neighbour, who I’ve roped into walking the dogs as an after school job, picked the name Toby. He’s already reacting to it.
    So we introduced my own dog Duchess to Toby in the driveway and brought them for a walk, and playing session in the local park. Needless to say they were exhausted after their walk and panned out for a few hours. Both of them looking for rubs and kisses, and thats exactly what they got :) Then the playing began :) Panned out again, another walk and panned out again.
    Toby and Duchess slept in the same room last night and there was no bother on either of them. They know when to give each other space too which is good.
    So this morning they played a little before an early morning walk in the local park. Toby is far fitter than myself and Duchess and he really set the pace. I think I’ve been giving Duchess long strolls rather than walks in the past. Well, I’ve no doubt Toby will keep us all lean with his fast strides :)
    When we came home I really felt Toby and Duchess have really bonded as they kept playing with each other. Both are asleep at this very moment. But I feel I bonded with him from the moment I got him. He is so affectionate and loving. He follows me everywhere, and I’m just so mad about him.
    Kathy has been so helpful over the last few weeks and really knows her stuff when it comes to the dogs. She has been great at keeping me updated on everything and very supportive throughout the process, so thanks Kathy!
    So, now the part people have been waiting for, the photos!!!!!
    Toby 1.JPG
    Getting to know us.JPG
    Duchess and Toby 5.JPG


    More photo’s
    duchess and Toby 1.JPG
    Duchess and Toby 2.JPG
    Duchess and Toby 3.JPG


    And the last few photo’s!
    Thanks again to Emma who came for the home visit and was lovely, Alison for taking such good care of Toby, Sarah for delivering him and giving us really helpful info and finally all the help and support from Kathy. Dogs in Distress is such a great Recsue!!!!!
    Panned out.JPG
    The family.JPG
    The family snoozing.JPG


    Thanks a million for the update – they look great together ;)


    Just wanted to give you guys an update on Tanner, now called Toby.
    Well Toby has settled in with us so well and is really part of the family. Himself and Duchess are getting on like a house on fire and are well used to each other at this stage.
    Toby is one of the most affectionate dogs I’ve ever had or met. He loves nothing more than a cuddle with us, or snuggle up in his bed. He used to nearly try and pull us across the road when on walks but after training he is walking by our side happily and confidently.
    He loves nothing more than to hide a bone down the end of the garden, and then tries to steal Duchesses bone off of her after so we know who is the dominating one out of the 2 of them :)
    He still has big issues with getting into a car. We got a "Dog Listener" to see him, who told us that we had to keep doing what we were always doing but to remain patient and take our time with each step. So were sitting in the back of my car (an estate) with the seats down trying to lure him in with tasty treats, and he now will happily stand with his 2 front paws on the boot, but he hasn’t ventured in any further. So fingers crossed he’ll eventually get in. We only reintroduced him to the training a few weeks ago so keep your fingers crossed he will eventually happily travel with us in the car. If he only know how good he would have it if he got in, but hopefully he’ll discover that soon.
    Other than that he is a very happy guy, and he has made us very happy too. We just love him to bits.
    Heres some photos of him since my last post:


    Here are more pics


    And my final pics :D
    He loves sleeping upside down. He’s so funny :)

    DID Rescue

    Thanks for the update it’s great to hear they are happy and settled with each other.
    I love the action photo of both of them it’s really great.
    Would something like ham or cheese or something he places in high value as a treat help to encourage him in? It worked with one of mine and as he has Lab in him food usually is a priority.

    You would love to be able to fast forward these situations on and just get to where you want to be ;)
    Best of luck with the training.


    Hey Twist, we tried using ham, cheese and even at one point a bit of lasagne (they normally are on top end dry food).
    Anyway, 6 months of trying to get him into the car and I placed this smelly blanket into the boot that smelled of both the dogs and me. I was lying down in the boot calling him up and he went straight in, and cuddled right into me. My neighbour spotted me from her bedroom window and came into us, sat in the car in absolute amazement knowing how difficult it was for us, and started rubbing and praising him. It was just so amazing. 6 months of using every type of treat while sitting in my boot trying to encourage him to get in.
    So we decided to take our time with the training to make sure we get him really comfortable with the car. So we got him into the boot every evening, and at the end of the week we turned on the car. Then the at the start of the next week we closed the boot and gave him treats, rubs and praise. We also gave him total freedom to get in and out of the car when ever he wanted. By the end of the week we drove him in and out of our driveway. I sat in the boot with him giving him lots of rubs and treats. Then this week I sat in the back seat with one seat down so he could stay in the boot or walk up to me, and we drove down to the park, went for a walk and drove back home (the park is only 2 mins drive away), and we’ve done that twice this week, so absolute success. Its amazing!!!!! So, in 3 weeks we have him travelling happily in the car. Other people may have had him progress faster but we wanted to be patient with him since it took 6 months for him to get into the boot.
    So fingers crossed we’ll continue to progress well with him and possibly get to go down the country with him by the end of the summer if not before that.
    It just goes to show how important it is to be patient with these rescue dogs. Toby is the most affectionate, lovable, obedient dogs you could meet, but his only flaw was he couldn’t go near a car without panicking and showing how terrified he was. I don’t know if he was ever abused as he was found on the streets, but my theory is he associated the car with being abandoned. Anyway, it doesn’t matter once he is happy now.
    Go on Toby!!!!!!!!!
    dogs in a car.jpg


    Thats fantastic, well done ;)


    Thanks Kay, and thanks for giving us such a great dog. As the loreal advert says, its coz he’s worth it!


    I am so thrilled to hear Toby’s amazing progress and as someone who had first hand experience of trying to coax him in I know what an incredible achievement you have all accomplished……Well done Toby and Family round of app"aws"


    Well guys, update again.
    We have been continuing to work with Toby. He hasn’t always got into the car. Infact on 2 occasions we had to give up coz we knew he just wouldn’t get in for us. In the last 2 weeks he’s gone to Kilboggot Park, Cabinteely park, Killiney Hill, some Park in Enniskerry and were stretching the length of the drives a bit before we go for walk. Every drive includes a walk. I continued to put the seats down in the estate, and coax him in. Previous to tonight, he would be very nervous about getting into the car, but now he loves being in the car when its driving, sticking his head out the window and everything. The biggest problem was just getting him into the car to go on the drive. Guys, this is so completely different to the past where he would whimper, shake and salivate excessively with nerves when the car was moving.
    So tonight was the first night he just legged it into the boot with out me being in it. It was a total surprise. I was gearing up to get into the boot myself first and he just jumped straight in before me, and sat down waiting for me to come in after him. Both myself and Liam were just amazed. So guys, keep your fingers crossed this is the start of a new era for him where he is just dying to get into the car.
    So we’ll see how he gets on for the next week or 2 and give you an update then, just incase it was just a coincidence, hehe!
    Thanks guys for your encouragement!

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