taking dogs abroad???

taking dogs abroad???

New Home Forums DID Dogs Advice taking dogs abroad???

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    Would anyone have some information on taking dogs abroad… I have two dogs one being a staffie, i know bout the pet passports, rabies vaccines etc… but is there limitations on where i can go with the breed. my vet wasn’t very helpful with information and all the websites are more bout taking dogs into this country rather then going to others…
    Where we go is depending on where we can take the dogs as where hoping to get away for couple months so any information would be great. thanks


    Don’t need a pet passport for taking pets between the UK and here. The rabies vaccination would be needed for travel outside UK and Ireland. There is an initial rabies shot and a very tight window for getting the booster at a vets here. If you miss out on the booster you have to begin from scratch. It is a costly process, your vet may not issue you with a reminder.
    There may be local restrictions in the country you visit mainland Europe but I’ve no knowledge on that part. Try irishanimals.com.


    I had a bit of a search, realised I was answering a question you hadn’t asked :oops:
    This website is a UK one but mentions breeds: they source various places e.g. French Embassy. It would be worth double checking directly for the country you’d like to visit [url:fby2j43d]http://www.caravanclub.co.uk/media/968602/travelling%20abroad%20with%20your%20dog%20-%20information%20for%20website.pdf[/url:fby2j43d]

    Best of luck.

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