Suki – 5 yr old terrier x *HOMED*

Suki – 5 yr old terrier x *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Suki – 5 yr old terrier x *HOMED*

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    This little girl is gone into foster and we will update soon:D


    Collected this little timid and bewildered girl yesterday….there wasn’t a peep out of her on the trip over to her new foster dad.

    She walked in cautiously and had a bit of a sniff around ….she got lots of rubs and pets and was immediately smitten with her new home.
    Seeing her reserved in her old home and within 15mins seeing her trotting around after myself and James it was as if she always lived there.

    We brought her old bed(a fleece blanket :evil: ) and put it over her new D.i.D.bed she had to be encouraged to get on it as if she was unsure that she was allowed

    This is a very happy Suki in her new foster home where she knew she was wanted and was going to be given all a doggie needs some food, some excercise and tonnes of LOVE!

    Can’t wait to see how this lady gets on…..roll on the next update from her foster dad.
    2011-10 Suki 003.JPG
    2011-10 Suki 001.JPG
    2011-10 Suki 002.JPG
    2011-10 Suki 004.JPG


    Hi Suki,just wondered how you are getting on.You do look very happy in your new home, bet you are spoiled by your foster dad,we wish you both the best of everything,love Esma,Sindy,and our foster dogHeinz x x


    Hi Suki,hope you are doing well ,and settled into your new forever home .We would love to get an update on you Esma,Sindy


    Suki is doing great in her foster home and loving her daily walks in the park. She loves to paddle in the stream and collect sticks. Suki is an energetic little girl and very very smart. Her foster dad has decided to adopt Suki :D


    So delighted to hear your new Suki…..knew that you landed on your paws the day you arrived in your daddy’s home.

    Another failed fosterer but a great successful forever family.


    :D well Suki we are delighted to hear your good news,you found your forever home,and are getting all the love,and pampering you deserve,well done dad,well done Suki,love Esma,Sindy

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