Sugradh – 10mth Border Terrier *HOMED*

Sugradh – 10mth Border Terrier *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Sugradh – 10mth Border Terrier *HOMED*

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    Sugradh means play or messing around…..and this little man will live up to his name. He will have his first vaccination microchipped and neutered before going to his forever family.

    So photogenic…..

    Loves his sister…


    2011-07 Surrenders 014.JPG
    2011-07 Surrenders 007.JPG
    2011-07 Surrenders 022.JPG


    This little man is gone into foster with Karen, who will update soon ;)



    Sugradh has settled in and is making himself at home! He loves his new friends-Misty & Piper and follows them everywhere as he learns the ropes posting.php?mode=reply&f=7&t=8366&sid=f755180a571d8e579af51939d6640cf8#

    I’ve only had him a few days and I can already see he’s got a great personality! He’s curious and fun – he loves playing with other dogs and would play fetch all day. He’s a little bit fearful of people at the start but when you get to know him he’s full of kisses and cuddles and he will make a loving and loyal companion when he goes to a loving home posting.php?mode=reply&f=7&t=8366&sid=f755180a571d8e579af51939d6640cf8#


    Sugradh is growing in confidence everyday.

    At first he was afraid to go outside but now he enjoys his walks in the park and at the beach although he’s still nervous of cars going by. He loves looking out the window to see what’s going on outside!

    The noise of the TV frightened him – not anymore now he even sits there and watches Houston SPCA with me!!!!

    Any of my friends and family that have met him have all thought he was very sweet and said "He’s a grand lil fella".

    Here’s some photos…..
    Nosey 2.jpg
    Watching TV.jpg



    Sugradh was neutered today – he was a brave lil boy and is at home resting. The staff in the vets all thought he was gorgeous. He has beautiful foxy features with these to-die-for golden eyes (the ladies go nuts for him!!!!) ;)

    So we have him a week today and I have to say I’m amazed at how he has come along! He is so much more relaxed and is now comfortable with a lot of stuff that frightened him at the start.

    I have to say he makes me smile! When I come down in the morning he greets me with so much happiness. Looks like someone docked his tail :evil: and it’s so short that it doesn’t waggle – it wiggles! And when he gets excited he wiggles his bum too…’s sooooooo cute! :D

    He took to my dogs right away and I think he would love to go to a home with other dogs. He plays chasing and messes about with Piper all day! :lol:

    He loves to sleep at my feet – it doesn’t matter where once he is touching off me and he loves to smother me in kisses! So you can say he is very affectionate ;)

    He loves going out for walks and he is improving on the lead but he is still fearful of cars and new people so still a bit of work to do. He is very clever and is always learning.

    Even though he is timid with new people, you can see that he wants to make friends with everyone…..he will bring lots of happiness with him to a new home!


    It’s now 9 days after neutering and there’s not a bother on this lil man! He was the best patient ever :) he continued on like nothing ever happened!

    He met my friend’s Cocker Spaniel-Lucy who is full of energy and he had a ball trying to keep up with her. They ran together and ran and ran and ran………As soon as he got into the car he plonked onto his side and fell fast asleep :lol:

    He loves going out for walks and loves meeting other dogs, he wants to play with all dogs and we haven’t seen one bad encounter yet, he gets on with both male and female dogs.

    He is still anxious about going in the car but the other day he found a little spot on the floor behind the passenger seat and he lay there for the journey not as anxious as usual so we’ll work on that :ugeek:

    Here’s some photos….
    Crashed Out.jpg


    I could watch the dogs all day – they are so funny! Last night Sugradh figured out he could go behind the couch and it turned into a game of hide and seek and chasing round the couch for about an hour with Piper.

    Afterwards they had a little rest and then the Mammy of the group – Misty decided to wash them….she cleaned both their ears and eyes!

    Heres some more photos….
    Grooming – After.jpg


    We’ve been fostering Sugradh for 4 weeks now and I’m amazed at how much he has changed since the first time I saw him….

    He started off being afraid of people, loud noises, the lead, the TV – practically everything :? . The only thing he was comfortable with was other dogs. He has been very friendly towards all other dogs he has met and he fit right in with our two dogs (even the fussy Bichon :P ).

    It was obvious that his owners didn’t spend time with him as he wasn’t used to normal doggie things like playing with humans, going for walks, physical affection, and commands like sit, lie down and had no recall training :evil: . I even think that he was left outside all the time because it seems to be the norm for him to go out the back to sleep rather than his bed in the kitchen.

    Today though you can see a huge difference in him…..

    – He loves and trusts my family and friends that he has met including the men!
    – He gets so excited when you ask him "do you want to go for a walk?" and he loves his lead and he comes over practically begging you to put it on!
    – He is so excited when he greets us in the morning
    – Now he’s got a taste of human affection he loves it and will always come over for a cuddle or a pet or a game of fetch!

    Work in progress……commands – he knows sit but at the moment he’ll do it sometimes :roll: , he’s learning to wait in his bed until he is told to to go to his food bowl, and he is very good at coming back when you call him!

    He has grown into such a happy little dog and is still learning.

    He’d love to go to a new home with other dogs and he will make a great little companion!


    :D delighted to see sugradh is on his way to his forever home,his sister cindy is in her forever home with me and she is the most wonderful lil baby,you will truly have a treasure in sugradh ,best luck hope all goes well,Esma Cindy :D


    Best of luck to Sugragh in his new home :P :D :P :D !!!!! We had the pleasure of watching him develop from a timid frightened dog into a fun, lively, loyal and loving little man! I hope he brings this and much more to his new family and I hope they love him as much as we do!

    Best Wishes
    Caryn, Alan, Misty & Piper :cry:


    Well i brought this great fella over to his new family with Taylor today :D , they had great fun running aroung smelling everything . Best of luck and look after your new little sis,,


    Hello, this is Leona here. My family and I adopted Sugradh in Sept along with Taylor so I thought it was time to update you all on how he’s getting along.

    We’ve renamed him Charlie and he seems to have taken to the name quite well. He’s such a wonderful dog, everyone at home adores him and its so hard not to! He’s such an affectionate little fella. If I leave the room for a few minutes and come back he acts like its been a whole week without me. He loves to kiss you and jump up near to you. He does the same with everyone in my family. He loves to sit right beside me on the couch and if my lap is free he’ll climb right onto me and fall asleep. I was so surprised when he did that the first day because I thought it would take him a while to settle in but he did it all by himself!

    He’s very alert. Every noise he hears he pops his head up. Whenever he heard a dog bark on TV he’d go right over to see where it was coming from. He barks a little – like when people knock at the door or if he sees a cat in the garden but he usually lets Taylor do the barking and then he goes to check it out!

    He’s fantastic on walks. He loves his lead and will sit and stay until I’m ready to put it on him. He’s still nervous of cars and especially buses. He’s fantastic with commands – though high five/paw is still a work in progress. He great with sit, up and down as well as recall.

    I’ve introduced him to a few of my friends already. At frist he was a little scared especially with the first friend that came over but now any time we welcome someone into the house he seems a lot more relaxed. I also tried introducing him to another dog. We did it on a walk so he wouldn’t feel threatened by a strange dog coming into his home. The dog was a very timid female Border Collie. She’s one of the most gentle dogs I’ve ever met despite her being bigger than both my dogs put together so I thought she would be perfect to introduced to Charlie and Taylor. The Collie was more afraid of the two of them at first but after a while they were all playing which was lovely to see.

    He’s settle very well into our home and adores his little sis, Taylor (I’ll update about her on her post). They love playing together and are pretty much inseparable now.


    What a great update on the little lad…..his new name Charlie really suits him…..Hope you all can make the Trek or Treat as his sister Sindy is going to be at it and I know I would love to see a reunion.


    Both dogs are doing really well. They get on like a house on fire and are basically inseparable. They even look for each other if we ever take them out separately. They love playing with each other and running around the garden.

    That’s all I can think of right now. They’re doing very well though and have settled great. They’re brilliant dogs!

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