Star 4 – 5 Week old Lurcher pup in poor condition

Star 4 – 5 Week old Lurcher pup in poor condition

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Star 4 – 5 Week old Lurcher pup in poor condition

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    Look at those kind eyes ;) she is a real beauty, well done.


    Awh she is looking great Linda…such a pretty little puppy…well done


    :D She looks like a cheeky little monkey in the last photo of her, did she dash of seconds later? That is what looks like might have happened. At least she is starting to look like a puppy now. Thank you for posting the photographs.


    Phew, could not bring myself to look. Well done Linda :D
    She looks so pretty.

    pegleg peggy

    I started reading this thread from the beginning and was afraid of what I would find at the end…then..ta-daaaa! A gorgeous little Star puppy! am so glad she’s coming along so well. God bless all of you for being such good carers.


    :) What is the little monkey monster up to? Happy vibes to you and your family Star.


    Well Im delighted to say little Star is making great progress :D She is eveything a little puppy should be, playful, loving and chewing pretty much everything she can get her paws on ha ha… she is the sweetest little thing and should be ready to be rehomed over next few weeks. She has put on a good bit of weight, Its hard to tell with lurchers as they are such a small framed breed but you can notice a big difference when you pick her up, she was a bag of bones poor baby. She adores my 4 year old who loves running around with her, much to my discomfort as she is so delicate :) :) ..I know she will fit in great with any family, lurchers are such graceful and loving dogs and make fantastic pets so fingers crossed Stars forever home is just around the corner ;) Linda


    My lovely little Star is 100% better thankgod, she has come so far and been through so much but you would never think it to look at her now. She’s put on loads of weight and is running around doing what puppies do. She is a quiet little girl that loves nothing more than to be cuddled..ive had to stop myself carrying her around everywhere as she has these eyes that just plead for cute ;) This little baby will be ready to be rehomed over next few weeks, I know the perfect home is out there for her somewhere :D


    :D There will be ‘fighting in the ranks’ over Star. Little Star, shining bright – she is great isn’t she?


    She sure is Indianna :D , She truly is a beauty and you cant help but fall in love with her ;) so no doubt there will be ‘ fighting in the ranks ‘over this baby!!!


    She looks a bit like Haiti!!!! Just different colors and like her, she was too a bag of skin and bones.
    She is so cute!!!!!! Well done ;)


    :) Hello little Starlet, how are you getting on now? Growing in all directions no doubt?


    Little Star is certainly growing in all directions and still as pretty as ever.You can definitely see the Lurcher in her but reckon she will still be small and petite. She prances around the garden like bambi, she truly is beautiful and will make a fantastic addition to any family :D She adores my 4 year old and loves nothing more than to sit on his lap for a cuddle. Also gets on so well with my other dogs, although im sure they could do without her hanging out of their tails ever now and again ha ha..
    This little girl will be getting her vacc and chip sorted hopefully over the next week or so and will ready for her forever home. Lurchers are beautiful dogs with great temperments and are such a loyal dog. She has been through so much at such a young age and has come out fighting.Lets hope there is someone out there looking for a little gem like Star :D will put some new pics up soon!!


    :D Thank you for the up-date, can’t wait for the photos of the ‘I have grown up a bit more’ Star.


    My gorgeous little Star went off to her new home this morning,we miss her terrible but couldn’t be happier for her as her new family as so lovely and I know she will have an amazing life with them :D :D ,she truly is a special girl and no doubt has many many years of happiness ahead :D

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