spiro male boxer cross 8/10 weeks old happy endings

spiro male boxer cross 8/10 weeks old happy endings

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings spiro male boxer cross 8/10 weeks old happy endings

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    Just back from visiting Spiro/Willoughby. He has grown so much since we saw him last week. Shirley nursed him so well these past few days that he is passing his sister out! Thank you again Shirley. As we left Spiro waved us off through the front window much to the delight of my 2yr old grandson. We hope to get him home on Thursday, it can’t come quick enough.


    well everybody spiro/willoughby went to his new mammy liz to his forever home this morning. he will be loved and well looked after and living very close to me yipee :lol: poor cookie is feeling a little overwhelmed she cannot figure out where is gone but she will be fine. :D


    Willoughby (Spiro) has settled in really well. Eating fine and the training going well. He has brought so much joy to the family since his arrival on Saturday. I will post photos of him soon.


    Dying to see the pics..should be over your way soon to meet fella :D


    Willoughby (Spiro) settling into his forever home. He is getting his next jab on Friday so will be able to get out and about in a little while. He has taken the house by storm, a proper gentleman. Lying at my feet as I browse. Will post more photos soon.


    liz that is fantastic he looks great and very content :D the puppy i have at moment is a little gentleman like willoughby i have been very lucky :D


    Glad you approve Shirley. He is getting so tall and is great fun. He has no problem eating, drinks bowls of water and has made himself very much a part of the family!! I’m glad your new puppy is so good for you. Will post some more photos soon now that I have the hang of it.


    Hes gorgeous Liz!! Ur so lucky!


    i was walking home from school yesterday and i met liz with spiro now willoughbly and my god he is fantastic looking and grown so much. liz and neighbours all rave about him he is an angel. so liz promised photo’s will be coming soon cant wait. he is a beautiful dog well done liz for looking after him so well :D


    Thanks Shirley, it was great to see you. Had Willoughby down the beach, off the lead yesterday and he returned each time I called him. He is such a loving dog, very protective of my 2yr old grandson who idolises him. We were so lucky to get him. Doing battle with the camera and computer at the minute but have nice photos which I will post asap.


    Willoughby has had his operation and recovered quickly and well. His stitches came out on Monday last and he is in top form. As big as a house and bright as a button, opening doors to get on beds etc. His best bud, James, has great fun with him and ‘wuvs’ him so much. We certainly were so lucky to get Willoughby.


    Taken today at Malahide beach. Not great but he moves so quickly!


    liz he looks fantastic :D cant wait to meet you some day. i have since adopted myself so would love to meet you some time :D
    thanks for the photo he is so lucky having such a great family

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