spiro male boxer cross 8/10 weeks old happy endings

spiro male boxer cross 8/10 weeks old happy endings

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings spiro male boxer cross 8/10 weeks old happy endings

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    spiro is beautiful he mainly black with bits of white and tan colour paws so unusual :D he is very playful like his sister he likes tug of war.
    but he frets if his sister is not in his sight which i am sure will change once he settles in, as this is his first day with us so i will update in a few days, :D

    this little guy likes sleeping at your feet or under sofa so you have to look down always :lol:


    spiro has woke up in great form he is a little darling sitting in front of me pawing the air with one paw making cute little noises saying look at me :lol: his colours are so unusual he is mainly black with white and tan on his chest and face and four cute little tan paws hope i get a decent photo to show how handsome he is :D
    spiro likes to play with mop when cleaning it is hard work pushing him and the mop :lol:
    will update later watch this space………………………………………..


    this little guy is so adorable all day he has been lying and sitting on my feet :) i just want to hug him and his sister all the time :lol:
    my husband ken came home early today due to bad weather and called spiro over poor spiro was slightly nervous of men why not sure :? but ken spoke to him and gently rubbed away any fear they are best buddies now it is fantastic :D he follows my 2 yr old around alot they were having great fun tadgh was flying up and down the house in his car while spiro ran after him spiro is so gentle no tugging no biting just happy to follow 8-) he is a little angel


    spiro is such a sweet heart he is sitting on my feet at the moment. he loves going out into the garden he is very eager to make friends with my cat which she was not impressed :lol: because he was running after her :lol: but he and cassie were fine last night he sat on cathal and cassie was on ken cookie with me and we all watched telly.
    he slept very well last night and all his business on the paper.
    spiro with his sister in front of fire after there bath.
    this is cassie who copes very well with our lovely babies


    this morning spiro went outside to toilet, hardly any cleaning needed this morning paper training is going great, :D when he needs to go toilet he runs up and down the room. such a little cutie no barking so quiet perfect little angel i am so in love :D


    spiro had been feeling off his little belly feeling sick but thankfully he is on the way to recovery :D will update tomorrow.


    i agree with you liz, they are little angels spiro has come alive since yesterday very playful but so gentle he is adorable. :D


    Hope Spiro is feeling better today. We are hoping to try and see him today with a view to adoption as we are away for 3 days from tomorrow and he will surely be gone when we get back. He looks gorgeous. We would love to give him a forever home.


    hi everyone as you can see ladylou managed to meet spiro today and has reserved him, liz andrew and her daughter came and fell in love with spiro and spiro loved them as well. and lucky me one of my pups gets to stay close by i might see him sometimes :D lucky spiro will have a lovely big garden to run around he will be delighted :lol: plus he will have liz’s other daughter and 2yr old grandchild to play with as well, which spiro will be chuffed as he gets on great with my two yr old. so happy days will let everyone know when his family come to take him home. my little quiet angel


    We surely did fall in love with the little gentleman! He was so content with you Shirley, I know he will miss your family, his sister and the cat but hopefully we can make it up to him and he will soon settle in with us. My 20 yr old son can’t wait till he is able to go out walking. Hope he sleeps well. Can’t wait to take him home. Keep looking at the photos! He’s so gorgeous. Thanks again, Shirley. :D :D


    well spiro had been feeling unwell yesterday so i had a long day and night keeping my sons and spiro’s blood sugars up. thankfully i had the amazing gwen who adviced me as i was worried about the little guy :cry: but thankfully he has bounced back wow he is a different puppy today full of beans and eating again :D so now that spiro whose name will be changing to willoughby when he goes to his forever home is back i can rest again. plus my son is back up to crack as well so happy days :D


    Hey Ladylou :D . Siobhan, Trudi and Honey here :) . Brid told me your good news…congratulations on the new arrival…Willoughby is a lucky boy :D :D


    hi bronte, spiro who will going to liz and family eventually is still recovering from a tummy upset as soon as this settles he will then be ready for his vacinations once done the lovely liz and family will be his proud new family lucky boy he is such a sweetheart :D


    Hi Siobhan, lovely to get your message. Can’t wait to get Willoughby home. Poor Shirley has had a tough few days with he little boy being ill and on top of that Willoughby being unwell too. Spoke to her this morning, am just back from a few days away and will visit Willoughby tomorrow. Can’t wait!


    hi everyone, thankfully spiro/willougby is back to himself and tummy is fine :D he is great form has grown very tall since he arrived such a beautiful dog, liz his new mammy is coming to visit him today because she was worried about him. :D he is a very lucky boy

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