Snowy – 7yr Terrier x

Snowy – 7yr Terrier x

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Snowy – 7yr Terrier x

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    of course who couldn’t love snowy..she brightens up your’e day shes a beautiful little girl :)
    hopefully on Monday i’ll be able to upload a simply gorgeous photo of her up close out on one of her walks it makes me smile every time I look at it..
    No more news in snowys world really. She as always is doing fabulous :) loving her meet and greets with doggies out on walks, the diets going well.. she got a little bit chubby for a while :P… Shes in great health, shes the dog with 9 lives sure! :)


    Snowy Snowdrop, what are you up to? Your coat will have started to grow again now, but you were very, very smart. Not that you won’t be smart now, just a little bit more wooly – like a little sheep :D I have started to wander into fantasy world now ;). You meet and greet other dogs nicely – don’t you? Just need a bit of an up-date again, although your person is very good at keeping us all informed of your comings and goings ;). Please send some thoughts to the little Yorkie :evil: :evil: :evil: in the Paws for a Chat section, she needs all the ‘vibes’ we can muster.


    :) I cannot believe that Snowy is still in foster, she is a grand little dog. I am sure she would just adore her very own forever person/family that she could dote on. She would be a super little companion, someone to ‘chat’ to 8-). I imagine she loves speaking to everyone when she is out and about?


    Me neither Indianna. I keep coming back to her. She would be a great little dog for anyone . She needs a safe loving home and how she is still here is beyond me.


    :D Good afternoon Snowy. I hope you are currently indoors. I say that because we are in the process of being drowned by rain. Maybe you are lying in bright sunshine in you garden? Have you been up to anything exciting recently? :)


    Hi guys!, Thanks for following snowy even though I (she) Hasn’t updated in a while. Snowy snowdrop is of course doing fabulously.. I’m training her at the moment she has some little door barking issues but Is responding well… Snowy doesn’t like the rain very much but even if we’re out on a walk and it starts to rain she just keeps on going! Going home obviously.. Shes happiest when frolicking on the seafront meeting and greeting doggie pals and humans too, Also when eating or being cuddled and petted. Shes currently lying on the very edge of the couch trying to be as close as possible to the computer desk chair :).. I’ll do my best to keep the photos going. Cheers guys :)


    :) I was very pleased to see you at the top of the page a couple of days ago Snowy. Hundreds of lonely people out there and you would be the best little friend for so many different types of people. I am sure you are very happy in your foster home but there is nothing like being part of your very own family.
    You are an adorable little mutt 8-)


    I love this little lady, I am sad that people do not seem to look beyond the number of years to see a little treasure , full of character and love .
    Solook again at this gal, she could add life to your years.


    Snowy, quick – get to the top of the page so everyone can compare the family likeness between you and Tally :P What are you up to these days anyway?


    Hi there! Snowys still happy and well! Shes going through a bit of a rough time a.t.m with anxiety issues but shes improving slowly.. Shes scared of a lot of things that move like big buses, hovers, brushes and has some trust issues with a member or two of the household, shes just scared and feels threatened , but when she knows the person is her friends shes as friendly and cuddly as she normally is :) Shes like a grown up puppy! I don’t think her youthfulness will ever leave :) Shes great spirited and loves meeting and greeting people and doggies out on a walk, she has no problems there.
    She gets moody when her walker gets delayed, lol, the looks I get :) cute but cunning :P
    sorry about the lack of post and photos.. i’ll do my best :)
    Shes eating away at a bone as we speak, probably trying to find a great hiding spot for it, where "noone else can find it" ;) :P
    Thanks for following her and asking for her, her health is fantastic :)


    :D Snow Snowdrop, great to see you at the top of the page. I feel guilty about ‘haunting’ you and Twinkle :oops: and have been trying not to do it but its difficult. I love hearing about you, you are such a dear little dog ;).


    :) Now Snowy, just been reading through your foster person’s up-date. Thank you foster person for that up-date, I was so excited when I saw it :P . From reading your whole blog Snowy I can only imagine, as you lived with an elderly person and also had major health issues, you probably didn’t get out and about much and probably felt pretty poorly :( . You have had enough time now to settle, get your full health back you can begin to be yourself and allow all your little worries to come out :? . Who wouldn’t be scared of buses :o , they are huge, smelly and noisey and as you are close to the ground you probably get more of the exaust fumes and noise than most of us. My little dog Nellie is also terrified of the hoover and I have to confess, as we are not houseproud she doesn’t see too much of it, but when the hoover does put in an appearance, she is off like a shot! She is really scared and hides until it goes back into its cupboard. As for favourite people and a bit ‘shy’ with some other people :) . Again, who knows what experiences you have either enjoyed or suffered. Just like the rest of us, we don’t all like the same people. Some get on with us and some don’t. We are happy in some company and uncomfortable and unhappy in other company. We all treasure and protect the things that are important to us :) . We are all flawed in many ways but we find the people, the dogs and the many other things we like and make allowances for the things we want to keep close ;) . I hope you enjoyed or are still enjoying your bone, a real doggy treasure :D . I think and it is only what I think, that your dream home would be with a couple who could spend their days with you, walking, talking and learning your ‘come along now we need to get going’ looks :shock: . That made me laugh, I could just picture the situation :lol: . You are such a smart, clever little dog. Your foster person loves you for who you are. When your very own family do appear, they will treasure your companionship and shower you with all the kindness you deserve 8-) . You are only middle aged and have many years of fun and companionship to come – goodness me, I am older than you :evil: . You are safe and cared for in your foster home but it is a total mystery to me as to why you are still in foster care. :roll: I continue to follow you from afar Snowy, you are one of my favourites :D


    wow thanks for the lovely lengthy post , even though snowy doesn’t know It she is so appreciative of your kindness and all your detailed and positive posts, thank you :).

    snowy’s going to a new foster home sometime soon and it breaks my heart that I have to part with her.We love her to pieces here, she’s like our own dog. I’m moving out of my parents place were I do all my fostering and can only bring my cat zowie as she’s ill and they do not get along at all at all…:(

    I’ts better for her that she leaves her home here when I leave. I’m so amazed and thankful for all that dogs in distress have done for her. Kathy you are just amazing and put your heart and soul into D.I.D. I’ve dealt with a few charities and D.I.D have been the nicest, friendliest, most helpful and most passionate out of them all. Thank you so so much! I know her new foster mam will take amazing care of snowbot ( one of her nicknames ) :P and she will be spoiled no doubt with her new doggie pals.All that matters is her happiness and I know kathy and D.I.D. would do anything for her. I can’t thank you,s enough!

    I’m not sure if I’ll be doing another post while snowys in my care but people who love following her I hope you keep on doing so.
    Snowy brings so much happiness to her gaurdians life, she brightens up your day, and wev’e so many beautiful memories of her here.. She’s definitely the prettiest snowdrop of all :)


    Thank you and your family….D.I.D. couldn’t do what we do without our amazing foster families ;)


    well, Myself and my partner are just back after bringing snowy to her new foster home. She has 3 hyper little doggie pals living with her she absaloutely loved greeting them all.Her new foster mam and dad were so lovely and accepting of lil snowy. She was meeting and greeting her new friends with no problems at all. There was a little bit of an incident were she got bitten (just a territorial thing), but everything calmed down then straight away.Her new parents have lots on their hands already and are officially very commited people, so thank you so much for taking snowy under your wing :) we couldn’t have asked for a better place for her.When we were leaving snowy was sitting poilitely with her new mammy beside the fire on her blanky, ready to jump up beside her to snuggle up I’m sure. She’ll be spoilt rotten! I’m certain she will have the time of her life with her new pals :) She’s probably forgotten about us already :) which is a good thing! :) We miss her but knowing she’s with a caring new mammy and daddy makes us so happy for her :) Snowy snow drop we wish you the best of luck on the next part of your journey, and we can tell your’e livin it up already! x

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