Snowy – 7yr Terrier x

Snowy – 7yr Terrier x

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Snowy – 7yr Terrier x

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    what a fighter!!!!!
    she got through the operation even though the outlook wasn’t good.
    shes on her drip now sitting up in her kennel!!
    shes like a cat with nine lives, what an inspiration.
    what an emotional past few hours it has been
    If she was left a few hours more, or until tomorrow she wouldn’t have made it :cry: what a star.
    thank you so so much to kathy and lovely kind words from aggie and all who prayed for her.
    Thank you. :D


    Little Snowy is home and doing well :D


    hi guys
    apaolgies for only updating now
    One of my foster cats went missing and i’ve been frantically looking for her..
    Snowys doing excellent :) Thanks for joining her fan club :P
    Her new set of stitches should be out in about a week, shes full of marks from her wounds on her belly- two big operations in the space of two weeks and shes still her to tell the "tail" :lol:
    Shes prancing around the place like a pup, chasing the cats and loving all the attention.

    Will Update soon :)


    I had another sleepless night with poor snow snow last night!
    shes better now again!
    I brought her to the vets first thing this morning and now shes back in action :D
    Shell be getting micro chipped and vaccinated next week . She doesn’t mind going to the vets and is very sweet and gentle with the vet and myself even when shes getting prodded..
    She got her third set of stiches out now so shes all healed and ready for her new home :)


    just a little update on snowy with a few new pictures of the girl.
    Shes doing fabulous ..back out on her walks loving the exercise.
    shes due her vaccinations and to be microchipped over the next day or two.


    snowys finally getting her vaccination and microchipping done tomorrow
    Shes still her wonderful self.. really energetic, very welcoming to everyone and strangers too, doesn’t like being alone and waits at the back door when I’m down with the cats or when I’ve left the house at the front door too!

    Shes become my personal beautician recently
    when she feels my nails need a cutting she gently bites and licks the nail on my thumb ! It’s just an attempt to convey affection
    she also loves to keep her paws clean. Before she takes her nap she beautifies herself :)
    And what a sleeping beauty she is :D :D


    snowy loves people, her foster carer , family and friends and strangers alike. She just loves being in the company of a human
    everyone adores her..and her cute little waddle!
    she loves meeting and greeting fellow dogs when out on her walks and hasn’t gone vicious or attempted to show them whos boss
    Shes an all round gentle little sweetheart :)


    snowy loves her walks – especially when I bring her to the beach.

    she gets really excited by all the smells and people who are passing her by. she stops and will not move until you let her say hello to the other people! everyone loves her- if i’m waiting outside my local supermarket with her she greets everyone going in and out and gets a pet in return!
    heres some piccies of her on the beach


    :? Has the original Snowy been dognapped by aliens and replaced by this spectacular little creature. If that is the original Snowy then she has had a dramatic turnaround in her little life. She looks like a totally different dog. Well done to her carers :D BIG gold star to you. ;)


    thanks for the last comment!

    I didn’t realize how much she actually has changed since she came here
    Her coat and general exterior is so much cleaner and pretty, mainly due to talioring her diet and bathing her and not to forgot her physical health is so much better that it shows on the outside too!

    Shes got a sparkle in her eyes now, shes on top of the world :D


    snowy is a mad little one…she has so much energy bless her!
    she runs with you out on a walk . it’s so adorable seeing her run with her little legs lol, of course she’d get too tired if you kept running with her god knows i would anyways but jeez does she have stamina!
    shes also a very conservative doggy, who loves her naps and usually snores during the night-time when shes k’od on the couch :lol:

    She goes by many nicknames

    snow- snow snow- queen snow- snu snow- globe snowy- baby :)

    the following picture encapsulates her personality perfectly.


    snowys always waits for me outside the cabin door when i’m in with my foster cats

    she won’t follow my partner back up to the house she waits and waits until i come out and follows me to the house .

    She makes me feel so special lol

    heres some snaps I got of her through the cabin window looking gorgeous in the sunshine and shade.


    :D What a massive difference you have made in Snowy’s life. Bet you are very proud of your little foster dog. She is ssooo happy :) , she really is and I love the most recent photos, especially the first one 8-) . Lovely, lovely, lovely. :D


    😀 What a massive difference you have made in Snowy’s life. Bet you are very proud of your little foster dog. She is ssooo happy :) , she really is and I love the most recent photos, especially the first one 8-) . Lovely, lovely, lovely. :D[/quote:2st1n0q1]

    Thank you so very much indeed…. i have the first photo printed out ..its so funny and quirky..snow snows a star :)


    here are some long overdue photos of snowy

    she loves the good weather and has summer fever :P

    Shes a sweetheart with a Lot of love to give… her favourite teddy who is without a name yet… is her favourite toy to play with

    shes been in a fantastic mood over the past few weeks and its so lovely to see after all shes been through
    when anyway goes near the drawer were her lead is she jumps up onto it with a cute look in her eye, tail wagging like mad as if to say " how could you ignore this"! :)

    when we leave the house, the second we leave it on the lead ,she jumps around leaps up and down and starts running rapidly towards the entrance wall ..from then on she leaps with her back legs like a bunny rabbit and lunges herself froward trying to get you to run with her too
    she loves to run, its as if shes taking full advantage of a health and freedom she hasn’t felt in a long time and god bless her , she deserves it.
    She could walk/ run for hours, shes bursting with energy just like a little puppy and shes well over a year old lol

    shes an absaloute joy to bring out for walks. Every moment spent with her is a moment filled with joy, she brightens up your day ..just by being herself, by being snowy :)

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