Smoky – Terrier x Puppy *HOMED*

Smoky – Terrier x Puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Smoky – Terrier x Puppy *HOMED*

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    Joan Kirwan

    Somky had a visit today for a lovey family and they have decided to give him a forever home :-) He is sooo excited and can’t wait to go to his new home tomorrow .. we’ve had a bath and are getting ready . so its early to bed tonight so were all ready.

    another happy ending
    Joan :-)


    Delighted for the little man ….happy farewells as he goes off to his forever family……well done Joan

    DID Rescue

    Well done I am delighted for the little man, one cheeky little chap.
    Joan has done a great job bringing this little person on and Rommel & Co for teaching him how to be a dog, this is one of the many important parts to fostering. This enables them to get their second chance.
    Best of luck Smoky and we look forward to your updates.

    New adopters/owners need to know that all DID dogs have had access to the internet in their foster homes so you need to make sure they are still allowed to update their profiles after they have moved homes ;) After all its just like having their own Doggie Facebook Page.


    Smokey has settled in great over the last two weeks , already he thinks he owns the house . He is full of energy and keeps us on our toes . he enjoys his long walks each day with his new friend Lilly she is much bigger than him but he gets on famously with her and even has the cheek to rob her toys when we are in their house . When we are on walks up by the river he likes to follow lilly but unlike her he is afraid to get his feet wet . He just loves new people and Dogs he always tries to play with other dogs when we are on walks even if their not keen on playing with him . He will be starting Obedience classes next week so hopefully they will go well . I will give another update soon thanks for reading :)


    Aawww Smoky is so cute, and getting so big. He reminds me of my rescue dog, Ringo. They are both growing ears far too big for their bodies!! :lol:


    Smokey was neuterured 2 weeks ago and but it didnt take him to long to return to his usual mad self . He is after getting a little bit bigger and alot quicker and just loves chewing everything up :lol:

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