Sky – 10mt old Staffie- ref 121 *HOMED*

Sky – 10mt old Staffie- ref 121 *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Sky – 10mt old Staffie- ref 121 *HOMED*

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    Sky – Blondie is filling out well. She is down to two meals a day and she is not eating as quickly as when she arrived. We have her three weeks today and it has flown by. Grandchildren came over on Saturday and she was great with them. :lol:
    As she has been in heat since her arrival we have not been further than the field nearby and only when there are no other dogs around. So yesterday while everyone was watching the Parade we went to Sandymount beach south end of it where it is quiet and had the whole beach to ourselves. She loves running and chasing Ruby around. She was cautious of the water first but once her buddy was splashing around she started to play in it. They both slept all afternoon they had ran so much.
    She is nearing the end of her heat so there will be more exploring to do on our walks. In the photo it looks like her ribs are protruding on her side, but it her new folds of skin. :D Marie I will have to replace her beautiful Italian Collar you gave me for her, she is growing out of it ;)


    AMAZING…..thats all


    It’s hard to believe Blondie has been with us four weeks today. :D she is such a pet so biddable. My grandson was staying last week and all she want was to play and plenty of pets from him. She really enjoys the contact of the hand petting her and she goes into submissive mode by rolling over and showing us her belly. She is eating well and takes food well from the hand very gentle. She loves her walks and her plays with Ruby with the field or the garden. I have to say she has been one of our best ever foster dog, follows the routine of the family, sleeps all night with Ruby in the kitchen and is fully toilet trained. :D


    The last phot with my grandson Ruby is on the floor at his feet


    Brilliant….but Blondie don’t push Ruby out of her own bed sharing is caring even though there isn’t a hope that you can both squeeze into it


    The weeks are flying by and so is this lady. She now weights 21kg. When she came to our home she was 15kg, so is coming near her correct weight. :D She is still great in the house and plays well in the garden with Ruby. Now that she is over her heat, we have her out walking regularly and she is learning fast. I heard her bark for the first time this week as as all I heard from her were little cries when is waiting to be let back in after doing her business in the garden. She was barking at me as she saw me from the garden with a towel over my wet hair. :oops: once she heard my voice her tail was wagging. She loves all the comings and goings of the house and enjoys being petted.
    She would be a loyal dog for any family and takes commands well.


    It’s almost difficult to believe that is the same dog as the first image. Just proper amount of food, relaxing and living indoors has sorted everything out for this beautiful dog. She looks great :D Very large gold star foster family, take a bow 8-)


    what a beautiful dog and the way she has been looked after from how she was initially is great and she is a lucky girl :)
    If she is still in foster care when we come back from our holidays (booked already, bringing our dog Holly) then will fill in the adoption form but if in the meantime she gets a forever that’s good because she is lovely and deserves a good home :) :D


    Update on Sky (Blondie): collected her from her lovely foster parents yesterday and went to my friend’s house (Helen my Dublin sat navigator!) and then on home to Wexford. She was so good on the nearly 3 hour car journey home, slept most of the way but also watched the other cars. She was a bit spooked on getting out of car to find herself in a large open space so with encouragement we got her in the house where she was much happier. My husband fell in love with her too and we decided she would be known as Luna from now on. She did a little exploring but generally just wanted to ‘tall’ sit near us and even though she was closing her eyes and nearly nodding off she would not sit down fully for about 45 minutes and then sleep & tiredness finally overcame her. Well she had had an eventful day. Think she was missing her friend Ruby and without her to take the lead from she was a bit lost having to make all these decisions for herself.
    Within 2 hours she had found her way onto the sofa next to my husband who had said some days previously that we would not let our new dog go on the sofas!! I thought that was very funny as I have always been blamed for allowing our dogs on the sofa. This girl certainly has a way of getting into your heart.
    At bedtime she made 3 attempts to go upstairs but firm ‘no’ and ‘stay’ did the trick and we didn’t hear a peep from her all night.
    We are so delighted with her and can’t thank enough the people who have volunteered their time and devotion to caring for her up until now and especially Ruby for her guidance for her foster friend. Thank you Irene, Brendan and Kathy especially.


    She is a beautiful dog and one to be proud of :D I, for one, am very happy that your husband ‘cracked’ and let the dog up beside him. Just think what she will be like when she gets a couple of weeks under her belt, finds her feet and realises that she is part of your ‘pack’. Her devotion to you will be boundless and that is a very great thing ;)


    I would have loved to be in a position now to adopt Luna but am glad to hear she has found a lovely home in Wexford. I hope when we get a second dog it is one as good as her. Great credit for her fosterers who did a great job from what we seen on first post on page1 here. This is a great story and best wishes to Luna and her new family :D


    Thank you Indiana and Paul for your good wishes. Luna has had her first Wexford walks and was good on the lead. We left her at home on her own for 1 hour after she had had her walk and lunch (thinking was she would be tired and would sleep). When we returned she was crying and had been sick and needed lots of reassurance. She had taken one of my slippers onto the sofa. presumably for comfort and had been biting the patio door handles. Think we will need to wait some days before we leave her alone again especially as she would always have had Ruby with her at her foster home. Alternative is to take her with us, she was fine in the car yesterday. Anyway hopefully this is only another sign of her insecurity which with patience will surely improve.


    Yes, lots of time. She is just a puppy dog who finds herself in another new and worrying situation. Can’t blame her for taking your slipper for comfort and trying to get out to wherever you had gone. We have had various rescue dogs in the past who destroyed things but settled once they felt secure. It took many months for some of them :( . Once they were secure and happy we could all go out and come home to a BIG welcome from a sleepy head who had clearly just woken up when they heard us returning :lol: She will get there but she needs you right now, especially since she has lost her foster sister but I know you know that. Thanks for the up-dates on your beautiful girl, best wishes from one of her many followers :D


    I feel so sorry for her without her mate Ruby :( God love her such a big change, but I know that she will enjoy her new situation with Mary and her family, once she has got used to it. She has such a soft little cry, but I am sure she was reassured once you both came home. I did find my slipper in her bed a couple of days ago, but not chewed, just for the scent! She will come out of her shell in a couple of days once she know the sounds and routine of the household. She does love her walks and once she is familiar with her new garden she won’t know herself, I think she is a country girl at heart. We all miss her here but I have to say Ruby is enjoying being top dog again :lol:

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