Sindy – 10mth Border Terrier *HOMED*

Sindy – 10mth Border Terrier *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Sindy – 10mth Border Terrier *HOMED*

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    :D This little baby girl,Sindy is doing great,my god she loves to be pampered,still carried down stairs in the mornings.When we go on walks she loves to go into the river and loves to climb up the side of the mountain(my heart is in my mouth ).Sindy has a sister Fawn :roll: and they adore each other,they are very good with our foster dogs and they all end up being friends.Sindy and Fawn are the light of my life.
    esma photos 050.jpg
    esma photos 154.jpg


    Ahhh…she is beautiful and such a good foster sister :D

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