Sindy – 10mth Border Terrier *HOMED*

Sindy – 10mth Border Terrier *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Sindy – 10mth Border Terrier *HOMED*

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    Oh My God! She looks a completely different dog from the skinny, scared little pup who blew into my home on the wind one evening last summer! I’m not a crier, but I have a lump in my throat looking at the latest pics of Sindy, looking so plump and happy and glossy-coated! She’s a credit to Esma’s amazing love and care. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect home. DID is so lucky to have Esma in the fold, and Sindy is SUCH a credit to her. I am truly, truly happy! :D


    :D Sarah thank you so much for everything you have just said about Sindy and myself,she is so good ,my lil baby girl,but it all started when she landed on your doorstep, it was then she started to understand love and caring and she had her foster bro,there to help,and play, teach her the good life,i just took up and continued .So A VERY BIG THANK YOU.for giving her the great start in life she so deserved,and needed.I love Sindy so much .Esma,Sindyxx


    :D thanks to heinz ,sindy is now learning how to be a pup,eating slippers ,barking,play fight over toys ,sit up on the back of the sofa,but as yet poor Sindy cannot get up on the sitting room window,she only has lil legs ;) .It is wonderful to see them both so happy. :lol:


    Sindy and her foster sister molly
    esma photos 021.jpg


    Models the pair of them!


    Molly went to her forever home today,and we do miss her,it is so quiet ,and her forever family are very lucky Esma,Sindy


    Sindy is so good with her foster sisters,she plays and is delighted when they arrive,shares the sofa,toys,and even her food,it is great to see her play.She is my angel,still has some small issues,mop,sweeping brush,door closing, and the car.We are getting there, she will stay in the room when i have the brush,or the mop,before she would be gone and hide, i decided to put a blanket on the floor where she hides in the car, when she is ready ,in her own time ,she will come out.Esma


    Met the super Sindy today and such a sweetheart! Hope she feels better very soon. :)


    Thank you ,yes she is on the mend,in the kitchen this morning and she was pulling on a bag,and insisting i open it,well it was the bags of treats you had giving for the pound,no she did not get any,but i was delighted it is the first time she has done anything like this :lol: so thanks again


    Go Sindy! :D :lol: :D


    Wow! I’m delighted to see the updated photos. She was so fragile when she came to DiD. It’s fantastic to see her filled out to a healthy weight, and looking so happy, and very festive along with her pal in reindeer outfits.


    Thank you k9 .Sindy now has a sister Fawn,they adore each other,i never thought Sindy could be as happy as she is ,playing tug o war,im on my 3rd pair of slippers,and this morning when they went out and saw the snow ,they played for an hour. they even sleep together, they are like chalk n cheese but we are very happy together,our forever family


    This lil lady is so good,and ,she loves her sis Fawn,they do everything together.Its great to see Sindy doing so well,there are no barriers when it come to Fawn,and Sindy just follows in her footsteps,I love my baby girl Sindy


    I never thought i would see the day where Sindy is jumping in and out of the car :D ,she still stayes under the drivers seat ,She now gets in and out of the car,no lead and walks into the house.when i give her a treat she will hide it ,Fawn watches she will try and get it :roll: ,but Sindy puts her in her place,still has some issues but a far cry from where she was,she is still a lil lady,and i just love our cuddle times together every day :D


    Great to hear! It’s amazing what time, patience and the encouragement of furry friends can achieve! ;) I have no doubt Sindy will go from strength to strength.

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