Sindy – 10mth Border Terrier *HOMED*

Sindy – 10mth Border Terrier *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Sindy – 10mth Border Terrier *HOMED*

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    This tiny little girl was timid at first but is already bouncying back and learning to be a puppy all over again. She will have her first vaccination and be mircochipped and spayed before going to her forever family.

    Total sweetheart

    Full of Kisses

    Loves her brothers

    2011-07 Surrenders 009.JPG
    2011-07 Surrenders 017.JPG
    2011-07 Surrenders 007.JPG


    This little girl is sorted, thanks to Sarah (Stk8) :D Please, if you can help with any of the other little ones in urgent matters, contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    Well, poor little Sindy has arrived in this evening. thanks so much to Estelle for doing the transport!

    As expected, poor Sindy is really, really timid. she’s looking around for her brother, and every little noise makes her hit the deck in fear. despite that, she is still coming up to us, looking for comfort and reassurance. she is definitely a little lovebug! with a few days of quiet and calm, I think she’ll start to come out of her shell a bit, and we can start tackling the basics (learning to walk on a lead, house training, etc).

    A few basics: Sindy is tiny! far smaller than I had thought she would be! She has a foxy little face and big, oversized ears. she couldn’t be cuter if she tried! someone somewhere along the way docked her poor little tail, which adds to the overall impression of smallness. it would appear that she’s had puppies in the not-too-distant past :evil: , which at 10 months is pretty awful to think about.

    However, she’s young enough, smart enough and sweet enough that she will easily overcome her early trauma and make someone a smashing little pet! this is the kind of dog that people fall over each other to rehome, so i doubt very much she’ll be waiting very long to find her very own family to love her forever!

    I have to give a big shout-out to the folks at Your Pets Best Friend, who have taken my own little bully of a westie for a wee holiday while we get Sindy settled and into a routine. without their help, we would not have been able to offer foster for this little shell-shocked pup.

    We’ll update with pics soon! :D


    Thanks so much for taking this little girl..looking forward to updates ;)


    Sindy is a lovely little creature. She wants desperately to trust, but she’s awfully frightened at the moment. Last night I slept on the sofa with her, since she has never slept alone in her life, always being with her brother. We got up, and she did her business out in the back garden, which makes me think she might be housetrained to some extent. The only accidents have been a couple of little wees that stemmed from fear, rather than an actual need to relieve herself (a big difference, believe it or not). Despite being absolutely terrified, she hasn’t growled or snapped once (again, a pretty big deal, considering!). She’s very submissive. she’s not interested in eating treats, but she has been bringing them out into the garden and hiding them under the bush that she herself has spent a good deal of the morning hiding under. Every so often she comes back in to retrieve a toy or chew and brings back under "her" bush. It’s pretty funny! She does look for human interaction, coming inside to check that i’m still here, giving me some little kisses before going back outside. Today we are going to stay in the house, but tomorrow we’re going to go meet a neighbour who has a very docile, friendly yorkie and see how she gets on. I think another well balanced, older dog would really help her come out of herself.

    She’s a work in progress, but i can see the happy, wiggly little dog inside her trying to come out, despite everything she’s been through! :D


    Well, there’s lots to tell on the Sindy front! she continues to be very timid, but she’s making small strides every day. today she managed to come upstairs while i was getting dressed, a far cry from when she first arrived and hid under a shrub in the back yard for 5 hours! she’s reasonably good on walks, although it takes some coaxing to get her to go outside. the world is a big scary place for tiny little doggies, after all.

    Since Tuesday evening, she has had my undivided attention, as we sent our dog off with Your Pets Best Friend while she got settled. we were a little concerned that the Puppers would bully her, as he’s a bit of a westie monster like that. How wrong we were! he arrived home today, and Sindy wasted no time in putting him in his place! she has bonded with me quite strongly.

    On the whole, Sindy is a sweet, affectionate little dog who only needs a little guidance as to appropriate behavior and good manners. she’s so clever and anxious to please, she’ll be easy to train once she’s a bit more relaxed. i look forward to watching her grow and learn! :D


    Well, our little Sindy Lou Hoo is just going from strength to strength! She’s finally learning to be a happy little pup, after a life of shameful abuse and neglect. A human wouldn’t be so quick to forgive and forget, that’s for sure! She now goes out walking happily with her new BFF, Mr. Poopers the Monster Westie. they lick each others faces and nibble each others ears to annoy the other, just like human siblings do (well, mayne not the face licking, but you know what I mean). In the house they have great games of chase. Sindy has figured out that she’s too small to take Poopers down with brute strength, so instead she curls up in a ball and rolls herself under him, knocking him off his feet. Clever girl!

    Sindy is unbelievably affectionate. Her most favorite activity in the world is to curl up on your chest and bury her nose under the collar of your shirt, the better to breathe in your scent. She craves the comfort and security of being in your arms. It’s so endearing and sweet, you can’t help but snuggle her. She’s still quite timid and shy, and would need a home that understands how to build her confidence and make her feel secure. Saying that, she loves everybody, and everybody she’s met has fallen head-over-heels in love with her, too. From her foxy little face to her wriggly little bunny bum, she is sweetness and gentleness personified. It will be a lucky family who has the privilege of bringing this little bundle of love into their home!


    Myself and Kim met this little baby today…she is so gentle and affectionate…it is great to see her coming out of her shell…well done Sarah ;)


    A Story for Sindy, in the hopes that the rest of her life is filled with Happy Endings

    Once upon a time, not so long ago, in a land not at all far away (quite near, really!), three little doggies were found, huddled together, afraid of the world. These three little dogs had known hardship and sadness in their short lives, as so many little dogs unfortunately do. Nobody had loved them. Nobody had ever spoken soft words when they were afraid or held them when they hurt. Nobody had ever told them they were good little doggies. For them, the world was a place of fear, abuse and neglect. For them, the world was dark.

    Until, one day, which might easily have wound up being just like any other day, a chink of light broke through the darkness. Because on this day, a kind lady came and gathered them up. She told them they were good doggies, and that they deserved to be loved. She made a promise to them (which they were too afraid to understand just then), that each of them would have the chance that every dog deserves (but not every dog gets)- the chance to have a home.

    The littlest of the little doggies was even more frightened than her brothers. She tried to make herself even littler, and wished as hard as she could to become invisible. She shivered and shook, and tried to hide from the world. The kind lady said, "I have a very special place for you, little girl. You won’t have to be afraid ever again." The little doggie whimpered and tried to hide her face. Something inside her wanted to believe the kind lady’s words. However, as you might imagine, this was no easy thing to do. After all, humans, with their loud voices and heavy hands, had never given her any reason to trust before. And yet, a small voice from deep inside the deepest part of her, so long hidden away, whispered to her, "Maybe."

    The littlest doggie went to live in a house with a man, a woman and a little white dog. At first she hid, too afraid to come out from under a shrub in the back yard. The man and women spoke softly to her, and let her pretend to be invisible (even though she knew they could see her, really). Slowly but surely, she came out from her hiding place. She still trembled, but she began to notice things she hadn’t noticed before. She had a lovely soft place to lay down when she was tired, and the woman gave her blankets and pillows so that she could make a little nest when she wanted to hide. She had lovely food in a special bowl, and she was allowed to eat all of it and it wasn’t snatched away from her. The people in the house all gave her kisses on her nose and told her over and over again how special she was , until she even started to dare believe it herself! The little white dog brought her toys, and taught her how to play chase and tug-o-war and a million other games she had never even imagined before! For the first time in her little life, she finally began to understand what it was to be loved.

    And yet, the little voice inside her, the one that had encouraged her to hope when all hope had seemed so very far away, still whispered to her from deep inside the deepest part of her. Only this time, the voice whispered a different word, "Home." And this word, which she had never even known before, now filled her with such longing that it made her little heart ache. This place was wonderful, and the people were kind, and the little white doggie was great fun. But it wasn’t Home. Her special place, the one that the kind lady who had gathered her up with her brothers had promised her, was still out there somewhere. And her special person, the one who would love her until the end of her days (an idea she would never have dared dream of not long before), was looking for her still.

    Then, one morning, another lady came to visit the littlest doggie. This lady told her she was as pretty as a princess, and that, of all the doggies in all of the world, she was the most special. She asked the littlest doggie if she would like to come and live with her, and be forever loved. The little voice inside her suddenly bubbled up from deep inside the deepest part of her, and with a joyful little bark, said "Yes!

    The littlest doggie had finally found her Home.


    I am so delighted for Sindy – she really has come on in leaps and bounds literally – thanks to Sarah and Mr Poopers !!!

    I am in tears here at work reading Sindy’s happy ever after story !

    I hope she has a great life in her new forever home – forever !


    Hi everyone sindys new mum here,what a little princess,so so good,i am over the moon to have her here with me ,a new member of my family. I wil do everything to make sure she is happy,healthy,confindent,lil lady.A very big thank you to Sarah sindys forster mum,and of course MR POOPERS, what a gent ,the best lil chap.A big THANK YOU to Audrey


    Settled in already :D


    Called around to see this little lady this evening and even though she had a great big day I was still covered in kisses and licks and sniffs. She is very timid and everything is a little daunting to her but she has the best forever family who just love her to bits already, so in no time at all I’m sure she will overcome the new and strange things as they become normal everyday occurances.


    well first night in my new home was just great, slept in the bed with my mum,kissed her at 2 30am,and she asked do you want a wee or a drink,got my water turned over and straight back asleep with me.up at 8 30am had a wee, a good look around so we wil be going for a walk soon.I LOVE all the kisses,cuddles,O i just know i am loved so much.hi to Sarah, mr poopers the are the best.esma SINDY X X


    We had a nice easy day,long walk,lunch,nap,then had good look around my new home ,had some friends over,well they all loved me,i am so cute,pretty,wow i loved everything they said about me .my mum said every word was true,and i am a very special lil girl,the best in the universe. Esma,Sindy x x ps thanks Audrey for the home made treats,i was delighted to see you last night xx

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