God, he is beautiful!!! And Pippy looks as if she has got good control of her new "little" bro! She probably feels so superior to him and, knowing Pippy, considers it her duty to show the new guy the ropes. Mo looks absolutely great. Delighted he found his very own happy ever after!
Mo is becoming more relaxed by the day and his character is really shining through. He loved West Cork and the sea, a little unsure at first but soon got the idea. He is excellent about coming to his name now which is a big relief. Farm machinery and jeeps still seem to push every sub conscience button and where as he is now happy to let them pass when he is in the house or garden he still gets uptight on the road and desperately wants to follow them. We passed a parked one the other day that had passed us and once he got to sniff around it he happily came back to heel and continued on the walk – obviously it was not the one he was looking for. He is very rambunctious and that has its draw backs given his size but is responding well to the ‘Easy Mo’ command, and will back off when playing if you give the ‘Enough Mo’. Fingers crossed we are getting there! Boating.jpg