Sid – 10mt old Terrier x ref 633 *HOMED*

Sid – 10mt old Terrier x ref 633 *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Sid – 10mt old Terrier x ref 633 *HOMED*

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  • #118873
    DID Rescue

    What a fantastic little man.
    Everything that was said about him is so true, he is a fab addition to any home :)
    Hopefully we will get an update to let us all know how he is settling in.
    Good Luck little man. ;)


    Heard from Sidney’s family and they are thrilled with him. They describe him as a "fantastic dog, much cuter than on the website".
    He went to the local park yesterday and had a play with two other dogs, which he’d love, inspected the house then watched some telly with the family and was good as gold last night.


    Sid on the beach in Blackrock this morning – he loved running in and out of the water chasing birds and playing with the other dogs.


    From his family :D

    Hi Laetitia I’m just back from my run on Blackrock beach – I’ve really settled into my new family well and they all love me Sid X

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