Shylar – 10 mt old Lab X **HOMED**

Shylar – 10 mt old Lab X **HOMED**

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Shylar – 10 mt old Lab X **HOMED**

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    Shylar will be heading off to her fantastic new home on Sunday. And i couldn’t have picked a better family had i made out a wish list.

    Shylar has a family who understand she just needs time and patience and a beautiful big sister Suza to show her the ropes!

    They all got on amazingly and Im certain this is the happy ending that she deserves.


    There were tears today when i dropped Shylar (now called Sky) to her home. I couldnt believe she was so happy and relaxed and just watched me go, totaly content.

    I will miss having her here, she was a joy to have here.
    I got one last group photo with my guys and I got a couple of pics on their last walk,it definitely shows how just 7 weeks can make a difference.

    I have been promised updates, i already got one to say she is happy and enjoyed a lovely meal and her new sister Susa is trying her best to get a good game going :lol: :lol:
    Sky 1.jpg
    Sky 2.jpg
    Sky with the guys.jpg


    A picture is worth a thousand words,and just look at the happy face on this girl.
    I know Susa will teach her how great humans are and Sky will teach Susa how to play a great game of chasing!
    These 2 look like firm friends,just perfect for eachother.

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